Page 49 of Through the Fire

I pry them open and blink until I’m no longer blinded by the searing sun. Stretching my arms above my head I hiss when I feel stinging pain radiating.

It feels like hot pokers are digging into my skin. The shirt I’m wearing cracks and tugs as it pulls away from my body.

I lay still until the heat I feel on my back cools, and I search my mind for reasons why I feel so battered.

Drinks. Lots of them. Music, dancing, kissing. Oh god! I kissed another man. Roman saw me.

“Nononono,” I shake. “What did I do?”

I bring my hands to cover my face in shame. I let my anger cloud my judgment and I allowed someone who was not my husband to touch me.

I cheated.

Another flash of memory hits me. Roman and I having sex outside. The pain in my back was remnants of our romp against the brick wall.

We had sex…outside…in the dirty alley of the club. Jesus.

I rub my eyes and look around the room for evidence of a fight. My eyes land on my nightstand where two white pills sit next to a large glass of water and a couple of crackers.

I reach over and grab the pills, pop them in my mouth, and wash them down with the water. I gulp until it’s gone then fell back on the mattress still clutching the empty glass to my chest.

Aw shit! Lane spent the night which means he’s going to be waiting for me to give him every last dirty detail. I’m barely holding myself together, I just don’t know if I can handle Lane and all of his drama.

Footsteps sound on the other side of the door, then a soft knock comes. The knob turns and the door is pushed open at an eerily slow speed.

“Lu,” Lane’s voice is cautious and low. “You awake?”

I situate myself against the padded headboard as he enters and closes the door behind him. I pat the bed next to where I sit and he climbs on until we’re sitting shoulder to shoulder.

We look at each other for a beat before I burst into body wracking sobs. He pulls me into his arms and squeezes me tight. He holds me like I might float away on a strong gust of wind.

“L-Lane. I screwed up,” I choke out. “I-I-I…”

“Aw babe. Don’t cry. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened. And before you do that let me preface this by saying Rome is downstairs, fixing the kids breakfast and telling them that mommy needs some extra sleep and a warm bath, so not to bother you until they have eaten, brushed teeth and dressed for the day.”

I pull my head up to meet his equally astonished look and he shrugs.

“Okay. So I guess he’s not packing a suitcase and taking the kids away,” I sigh.

“Wh-why would he do that?”

I give him all the details of yesterday starting from Angela at the supermarket to getting screwed up against a brick wall. A myriad of emotions plays over his face. He’s outraged, shocked, sad and then…well I can’t one hundred percent be certain but it looks like he’s a tiny bit turned on when I tell him about the sex in the back alley.

when I’m finished we’re both crying. I pull up the collar of my t-shirt and wipe my face on the inside. Lane is swiping at his tears like they offended him and he’s trying to bitch slap them away.

“Wow. That’s…that’s a lot, Lu. Did you do this to get back at him?” He asks.

“No. Not at first, I guess. It really started with just needing to be away from him. We’ve been working through things, slowly but working nonetheless. But when I heard Angela talk about not onlymebut about her having fantasies about Roman…I lost it. It was either get out of the house and away from him or use my one call from jail to you.”

“Thank Jesus you went with the former. I am broke as an old hooker and I ain’t got money to be bailing your ass outta jail.” He pokes at my side and I giggle at both the tickle and his ability to make me smile when the world seems so dark.

“And all Roman had to say was that you two would work it out? He didn’t call you nasty names or beat the guy up?”

“Oh no,” I laugh, unamused. “He definitely wanted to kill the guy. He turned into fucking hulk before my eyes. I was legit worried he was going to break the dude's neck.”

“Ooh. So hot. Did he rip his shirt and pants off?”

“You’re a slut,” I chide and he shrugs like‘yeah, so’. “No ripping of any clothing. Well, aside from my dress and panties a little in the alley.”