Page 50 of Through the Fire

“Ugh! Why can’t I find a man who wants to rip off my dress and panties in a dirty alley?” He whines.

“Any hoooow. He did not scream or call me names or threaten any violence. He scooped me up from the shower floor, dried me, dressed me then just…held me.”

I think about how gentle he was with me in his arms. I cried myself to sleep but before I drifted off, he kept his mouth by my ear and whispered that we’d be okay, that he loved me, that we'll find the way back to us.

Lane twists his mouth and chews the inside of his cheek. I can see he’s holding back which is so unlike him. Lane is honest to a fault, sometimes. His honesty can border on cruelty but…that’s Lane.

“Say it because the way you're scrunching your face is going to give you wrinkles,” I tease.

“With the amount of Botox in my face right now, I should barely be able to blink much less wrinkle.” He exhales deeply and continues. “I’m still angry at Roman for what he did but…”

He stalls so I roll my hand indicating for him to keep going.

He rolls his eyes and says, “he really is trying, Lu. And the fact that he is still here, trying so hard for you after you went all revenge kiss at the club, well, I think he’s worth it. And I believe him that it was a one time thing.”

“I do, too,” I groan and toss my arm over my eyes.

“I mean…the poor guy didn’t even finish. He must’ve had a raging case of blue balls. Not to mention the panic of ‘oh shit! What did I do?’. He could’ve gone the rest of his life having never told you and you’d be none the wiser. Were you planning to tell him what you did had he not seen it for himself?”

I peek an eye out from under my arm and feel this intense wave of nausea hit me like a tsunami. I don’t know how to answer that. I don’t have time to think about what I was going to say to Roman about what occurred. I mean, I’m sure I would’ve said something. Eventually.


“Mhmmm. That’s what I thought,” Lane gives me a wickedly mean side eye.

“I didn’t even have time to think about what I was going to say because he was there before I could even think that far,” I protest.

“Whatever. Don’t care. What I do care about is your happiness and even though things have been tough between the two of you, Roman has always made you insanely happy. Most people would help you pack a bag after learning what he did. But they don’t know him like I do and Iknowyou’re his everything. His oxygen, his sun, his moon —get it? Luna…moon. Ba-dum-dum, psh— you’re the blood pumping through his veins. And I’d say he’s the same to you.”

It’s not a question but I confirm, anyhow.

“He’s human. He’s flawed and he made ahugeerror in judgement. But he’s your flawed human and you love him enough to forgive. But only once! If that sexy beast so much as smiles at another woman, you have crazy angry sex one last time then throw his ass out.”

He laughs as do I, tears still falling from our eyes.

“So…here’s what we’re gonna do. You’re going to wash your face ‘cause you still have last night's mascara on. Brush out that sad excuse for hair and your teeth, then go downstairs.”

“Your words are so eloquent. You should be a motivational speaker,” I say in my most sarcastic tone.

He flips me off and keeps going. “Go hug and kiss your husband like you mean it. Later tonight, I am going to play the part of awesome, fun Uncle Laney, and you and your husband are going out.”

“No Lane. I can’t ask you to give up another night. We’ll do it some other time.”

“It wasn’t asking. I’m telling you. I haven’t spent much time with your crotch goblins, and I kinda miss listening to three veryloud conversations at one time. Also, I have recently become the proud owner of an air fort and telescope, and I really need some tiny humans to help me test it out,” he says, nonchalantly while inspecting his nails.

I lean my head on his shoulder and lock our fingers together. I’ve struggled over the last three weeks to commit one hundred percent to healing as a couple. I said the words but deep down, I wasn’t wholly in it. I had a piece of my heart that I was safeguarding in the event I needed a little bit to carry on for my kids if this all crashed and burned.

But Lane opened my eyes, not to mention the events of last night, and now I know I’m all in. I have to fight for us as hard as Roman is. I won’t give up on us.

I take a deep breath and sit up tall, straightening my spine. “Okay. I can do this. Right? Can I?”

He smiles and nods, squeezing my hand to reassure me.

“Lord, give me strength,” I whisper.

Chapter 14
