Kendra’s breath catches in her throat. Her lips part so beautifully. How can I be expected not to shove my tongue deep into her mouth? I hold the back of her head so she can not escape my probing, but she doesn’t even fight against me. She moans softly against my tongue, and it ripples and vibrates straight through me to my cock. I do not stop my exploration until Erkoz clears his throat, obviously wanting a turn with our mate.

“There is nothing our mate could do to make us not want her more than we have ever wanted anything.” Erkoz takes her neck and pulls her close to him. Her breathing is ragged, and her cheeks bright pink, fueling our desire to have her even more. “Tell your mates what you could do to make us not want you.”

Kendra leans against Erkoz’s lips, imploring him to open and take her, but he remains still. When Kendra notices he isn’t giving in to her, she pulls back and sighs.

“Tell us,” Erkoz tightens his grip on her neck until her eyes flash with lust. “What can you do to make us not want you?”

Kendra’s face flushes as she tries to avert her eyes, but Erkoz isn’t letting her get away from his question. “Why—“

Erkoz pulls her over his lap and smacks her once harshly across her rear. Kendra lets out a yelp of protest but wiggles against Erkoz’s hand as he massages her. “Tell us, Kendra.”

When she doesn’t answer quickly enough, Erkoz swats her twice. With each stroke, her cheeks bloom a bright red, and her yelps get higher pitched. I lean over and give her a pinch before spreading her legs to see the slickness that has started to pool in her sex. She is shiny and eager, and I want nothing more than to suckle on her slick. We’re not touching our mate in that way tonight, though. We need to wait until she’s more herself and can agree to it.

“I don’t want to punish my mate tonight,” Erkoz says softly as he rubs Kendra’s backside. When she fully relaxes on his lap, he brings his hand down hard on her, and she kicks against me, almost kicking my poor cock, who is nothing but innocent in all of this.

“Please,” Kendra’s voice is broken, and tears run down her face. Erkoz has hit her especially hard tonight, and it is apparent in how little our mate can take compared to last night. She is being punished, though. Punished for thinking so little of herself. For thinking there is any way we would not worship her and the ground she walks on for just existing.

“Tell your mates, and I will stop.” Erkoz punctuates his words with another smack that has Kendra wailing into the mattress as the pain of the stings radiates through her. I keep her thighs spread apart, my fingers so close to her sex that I can feel her wetness against me. Her hole clenches, begging for one of us to be inside her, to make her feel full.

“There’s nothing I could do,” Kendra’s words are choppy sobs as she tries to say what Erkoz wants.

Erkoz swats her again, another muffled cry into the mattress and legs that try to squeeze shut and kick at me while she lets the pain wash over her. “Nothing you could do to what?”

Kendra cries again before sucking in a shuddered breath. “Nothing I could do to make you not want me.”

“That’s a good girl,” Erkoz says as he pulls her into his arms and cradles her against his chest. I scoot closer to him on the bed, my hand cradling Kendra’s back. Our mate is sobbing in his arms, but she clings to him like she never wants to let him go, never wants to be without his embrace. I am envious, but Erkoz deserves to hold the female right now because he is the one who has hurt her. “Our brave, beautiful, amazing human.”

“And so fun,” I add.

Kendra’s hand reaches out for me. She’s shaking softly, but I can tell she is reaching out for her other mate. So, I take her hand and scoot even closer to Erkoz, so close that I am practically holding him in the way I want to hold our mate. Her hand holds onto me so tightly I worry she thinks I might leave if she does not keep me close.

“Why?” Kendra looks between us through her wet lashes. “Why are you so good to me?”

Erkoz laughs softly, the sound vibrating through Kendra, causing her to smile at him. “I promise, we have not even begun to be good to you.”

“We have a full life to show her, though,” I say as I tug on her arm, pulling her toward the middle of us so we can each be close to her.

She nuzzles against my chest, her body wiggling around until she’s firmly planted between us. Her tears have dried, and now a smile sits on her lips. My hand instinctively cups her cheek, and she covers my hand in hers. “My turn to ask my question.”

I frown because I want to touch and admire our mate until she sleeps, but we agreed to answer a question if she answered ours. “What question does our mate have?”

“Are either of you planning on actually mating me?”

I choke on the air, and so does Erkoz. Yes, we most definitely plan on mating our human, but she has made no indication that she wants to do that. We have only been waiting for her to ask to mate with us because we did not want her to feel pressured into anything.

“Yes,” Erkoz answers for us because I am still struggling. “We are waiting for Kendra to ask.”

“I’m asking now,” She tries to sit up, but Erkoz keeps a hand on her shoulder, pinning her to the mattress.

“No, not until you are thinking on your own.” He shakes his head. “No pheromones, no disgusting liquid.”

“You should also beg,” I say, thinking that is a great way to ensure she wants to mate with us. She will be desperate for her mates if she is willing to beg us for anything.

“That’s cruel,” Kendra snaps at me.

“She should beg in front of everyone.” Erkoz smiles down at Kendra, and the anger now blooms in her eyes. “Yes, we will only mate our Kendra if she begs to be our mate in front of all the brothers. Then we can truly know she means it and is not influenced by her nose soul.”

“I hate both of you,” Kendra growls between us, but our laughs cover it.