“You most certainly do not hate us.” I shift lower in the bed so my face is close to Kendra’s, even though she is trying hard not to look at either of us. My hand roams over her breasts, and I tweak one of her nipples. I smile harder when she gasps and cuts her eyes over to me. “You wish to be our mate. You could never hate us.”

“She needs to sleep,” Erkoz says as he drags her face to his. “Lots of begging to do tomorrow, yes?”

“Fuck you,” Kendra snaps.

“Not tonight.” Erkoz closes his eyes and pulls the blanket over his body. “Sleep now. We will discuss giving you our cocks in the morning.”


Ahandisonmy abdomen when I wake. At first, I think it is my human, still cuddling with me because she enjoys being close to me. Of course, it is not my Kendra because that would mean she is being sweet. Something she only is when she is aroused. I push Xoth’s hand off me and then look around our room, trying to spot the small female we had pinned between us when we fell asleep. The sky outside is light, so she is probably eating and talking with the other brothers in the dining room.

I think about waking Xoth so we can go to the dining room together, but he is still fast asleep. There is no reason to wake him. I doubt our Kendra will beg for us anytime soon. We told her that is what she must do to get us to mate her, but our mate is stubborn and strong-willed. She will not beg for many, many days.

“Just the demon I wanted,” Kendra beams brightly at me as I enter the dining hall. I eye her suspiciously, waiting for her to tell me something sarcastic or teasing. Instead, she holds her hand to me as I draw closer. She notices my hesitation, and it makes her laugh softly. “Can I sit in your lap today?”

Someone has taken over my mate’s body. I do not know how or why, but this is not my mate. I do not question her, though. Instead, I sit down when she gets out of her seat and wrap my arms around her as soon as she sits in my lap. She nuzzles against my chest, her hands wrap tightly in my tunic for a moment, and then she sighs like she’s so happy to be in my arms. Even stranger than that, she’s wearing my tunic today. I thought she would not wear mine or Xoth’s tunics for many days since we left her stranded with no clothing before we left to go hunting.

“What is this game?”

“What?” Kendra looks up at me with a flutter of her lashes, knowing it is doing things to my cock that will have me not thinking very straight. “I can be sweet sometimes, you know.”

“I do not know,” I answer honestly and look around the table to see if other males are laughing at some joke I do not understand. They are all eating and talking like nothing is strange about what is happening, which I guess is true for them. Kendra picks a male every day to sit in the lap of, and today, it appears I am the male she has chosen.

“Let me be sweet to you today.” Kendra runs her hands underneath my tunic and scrapes her fragile claws against my abdomen. I hiss softly and feel my muscles tense. “Let me show you how good it can be to be my mate.”

“I am already your mate,” I say with narrowed eyes. “You are not sweet unless you are underneath Xoth or me.”

She lets out a soft laugh and turns in my lap so she’s grinding against my cock. “I can be sweet on top of you, too.”

I want to respond to her, but Xoth sits beside me, pulling Kendra into his lap and grinding her against his cock instead of mine. “What is happening?”

“I’m showing Erkoz that I can be sweet,” Kendra says with a sultry voice. Her eyes are darkened in lust already, and it is barely morning. There is no way I can get through the rest of the day with my mate throwing herself at me and trying to be the sweetest version of herself. I will need to relieve myself immensely, and even then, I may still give in to her demands.

“Show Xoth you can be sweet instead,” Xoth tilts his forehead against hers and licks at her lips. “I will be more than happy to let my mate be sweet to me.”

“You have more control than Erkoz, though,” Kendra says the words so nicely that we almost don’t understand her meaning.

“You think I am the weakest of us?” I ask, eyes wide. Xoth tosses her back over to me, and I pinch her cheeks between my fingers, my other hand digging into her waist so she stays put. “My mate thinks me weak?”

Kendra wiggles her brows at me and shimmies against my lap. She tries to say something, but I hold her cheeks tighter, so it’s nothing but gurgled noise. She tries to tilt her hips into me, but I keep her pinned.

“Do you know who is weak, little human?” My claws push out, not enough to cut into her, but enough that they must pinch her. Her eyes widen in worry, but she stays relaxed in my grip. She knows I won’t hurt her. Well, not in any way that could actually harm her.

Xoth pushes some of Kendra’s hair back and grips a handful to tug on. “Out of the three of us, who is weak, Kendra?”

She narrows her eyes, but when she tries to wriggle away, Xoth tightens his grip. I move my eyes around the room. None of the other females are here yet, and the other brothers do not care what we do with our female since they know we are honorable males. We do need to make sure Ralleth’s female does not see us treat our female so roughly, though. She does not like when Almaac is stern with his mate, so she will not be okay with how Xoth and I treat ours.

Kendra makes a sound we can’t understand since her cheeks are still pinched. The meaning is evident in the defiance in her eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was another ‘fuck you’ that she loves to tell Xoth and me when she is unhappy with how we treat her. It’s no matter. There’s a reason she doesn’t get to speak right now.

“Be sweet for me, Kendra.” I mock her earlier words, which have her growling and trying to snarl at me.

Xoth’s hand tightens in her hair until tears prick her lower lashes. He smiles brightly at her when a whimper escapes her throat. “We can force you to be sweet, little human. So, who is the weakest here?”

Kendra tries to look tough as she cuts her eyes between us, and then her eyes widen in worry as she pushes at my hand. I turn my head to where Kendra looks so worried and see Ralleth and Olivia entering the dining area. I release Kendra, my hand falling to her waist so I can still hold her, and Xoth runs his fingers through her hair softly like he is just untangling it like he enjoys doing. One would never know that we were trying to force Kendra into admitting that she is a weak human.

“Not so tough now,” Kendra wipes her eyes and laughs. “Are you both scared of Olivia?”

“Shush,” I wave my hand in front of my mate’s face and push her off my lap. I go to grab some food, but Kendra is jumping onto my back and scrambling up my body even as I try to ignore her hands and feet digging into me.