Trying to keep it short, I turn to walk away, but he grabs my arm and gets really close to me from behind. I want to jerk my arm away- that's just my natural instinct- but his hand feels so good touching me. Damn, he smells good too. Everything feels like it’s in slow motion, even though it's just been a few seconds. I can feel his body close to mine. and then I hear him, he whispers in my ear. His breath smells so good- like sweet mint. His touch is cool on my warm skin- like a fresh breeze on a sweltering day. It feels good.

"Don't play with me, Alex. I know you know who I am. I couldn't forget you, so I know you didn't forget me. Like you could ever forget my name. You are the only girl to ever stand toe to toe with me and not back down. You're so intriguing to me. Text me back,” he says in the most demanding way.

Just like that, he lets me go and walks out. I can't even move. I think I'm in shock. I feel glued to the floor here. I'm not even sure if I am breathing. My phone vibrates and I begin to take it out of my purse. His scent is fading, and I just want him close to me again…whoever he is. I look at my phone screen. The sight makes me melt inside. I feel like throwing up. I knew it. On my screen the nameKohenflashing.I stay standing there, staring at my phone, stunned. It's him. Holy fucking shit. He’s gorgeous but a lot of guys are. There’s something about him, though. Something special. Different. I can't place my finger on it. I finally get the courage to actually read the texts. The first one makes me smile.

Kohen: Hey Alex, you look so fucking sexy. I need you to stop making eye contact with me or I'll make you pay.

Kohen: Okay, I'm sorry. I know you said you don't like compliments. Smile though.

Kohen: Wow, just ignoring me huh. Shaddddy

Kohen: I thought we liked each other. Don't be shy now.

I'm at a loss for words and that doesn't happen often. I screenshot the texts and send them to Cora. She is going to flip! I scroll down to the last text he sent when he left the room.

Kohen: I want you. You will be mine.

Damn, do I text back or not? I feel like he probably tells every girl stuff like this. I don't want to fall into his trap. I don't want to be like every other girl on his lineup, but I want him, too. What should I do? I have to talk to Cora. She hasn't seen my texts yet, so I'm just going to walk to her building and wait outside her class.

I'm waiting for half an hour. I missed a lecture, but I need to ask her how I should respond to the text. She is going to think I'm so dumb for this. I laugh out loud. Finally, I hear people rustling around, so I know her class is over. Finally, I see my best friend's beautiful face right in front of me.

"Cora, did you get my text?"

"Hey, girl. No, class went over. You know I turn my phone off. What's up?"

"Kohen,"is all I respond.

"Oh my gosh, Alex! What happened?"

"Read the texts, bitch. Hurry. I sent screenshots."

Her jaw drops and her little gasps are everything. I get butterflies again thinking about the screenshots I sent. She looks up at me as she puts her phone away. I see the excitement in those pretty brown eyes.

"Alex, I can't believe it. Have you responded?”

"No. I was waiting for you. Tell me what to say, you know I'm mean. I want a mix of you and me in my response."

She looks confused. So am I. I haven't felt this way ex, my first love. My stomach turns at that thought and I feel nauseated. He was the worst thing that ever happened to me. The reason I trust no one, the reason I didn't ever want to be in a relationship again. Suddenly, I don't want to text Kohen back. Cora stares at me knowing what I'm thinking.

"Alex, not all guys are like him. Let the past go. We’re moving forward. It's what Cecille would want."

She’s right. I'm going to text Kohen. I'll be damned if I let my ex take another thing away from me.



My hands are shaky from being nervous. I unlock my phone, hit the message icon, and tap on the text messages. I look at Cora to make sure she is locked and loaded to help me respond to him. She’s staring at me, waiting for me to make the first move.

My mind blanks and I can’t think of anything to say to Kohen. Negative thoughts enter my mind already, yelling at me to not text him first.You will look weak,the voice says. I pull down on the messages and that causes the thread to refresh. I see ones that weren't there before. At the bottom of the thread, it says hidden messages are turned off. What? I immediately begin to read the messages I didn’t see there before. They’re from the night of the party.

Kohen: it’s me kohen. save my number

Kohen: I know how badly you want it.

Me: I dnt want it. YOU. want mi

I slap my palm to my forehead because I’m not even spelling correctly from how wasted I was.