I can't focus on what this damn teacher is saying because all I can feel are his eyes on me. I want to look but...fuck it. I'm looking. Wow, he is so fucking hot. He is the sexiest man I ever laid eyes on.

Professor Watkins calls my name, only I can't for the life of me peel my eyes off this man. Why does he look so familiar? My phone buzzes again but I ignore it despite the fact that I wish I could text Cora what's happening right now.

I hear Professor Watkins again. "Miss Monroe?"

I finally snap out of it. "Yes, sir, Professor. I apologize. What was the question?"

"There was no question, Miss Monroe. I was just checking if you are all right. You seem to be in a bit of a daydream."

Oh my God! How embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I didn't get much sleep the last few days. Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll make sure to rest up."

I look over at the stupid guy who caused all this to happen, and he is smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen. And he’s laughing! Wow! He islaughingat me. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and my heart is beating so fast. This must be what hummingbirds feel 24/7. I have no idea what I’m supposed to be learning in class today and I don't know where the time went. This guy hypnotized me. I need to find out who he is.

Before I know it, the timer goes off to signal the end of class. I get my shit together and stand up. I take a quick glance at Mr. Right and see that he is also tall. Ding ding ding, winner, winner chicken dinner. Damn, this man is a God. He is at least 6'2 and has a lean muscular body, but not the gross kind that looks big and scary.

His body is perfect. I glance down at his shoes because that matters. If his shoes are dirty, he doesn't really take care of himself.

I don't know if that's true or just something girls came up with because we care too much about looks, but he has some nice clean white Nike's on, so he must care. His hair is dark brown and pushed back. It is styled perfectly, and long enough that, if given the chance, I could run my fingers through it. Kind of reminds me of Johnny Bravo hair but my God does he pull that shit off.

I begin to walk out of the door, and I notice him out of the corner of my eye. He’s walking over to the side I'm on and heading for the same exit. I feel butterflies in my stomach and weak in the knees. What the hell is wrong with me? He hasn't even said a word yet and I'm falling apart. I'm the girl guys are after. I play with them and then toss them away like toys because that's all men do to us and I'll be damned if I'm ever hurt again.

"Hey, you're Alex, right?"

How does he know who I am? Up close, he looks even better. His facial features are pure perfection. He has a jawline chiseled by God himself.Breathe, Alex. Stop gawking at him.

"Yes, I'm Alex. Do I know you?"

I can see the confusion on his face, but I have no idea why. I also notice him checking me out, but I don't want the excitement of knowing he finds me attractive to show on my face.

Make him work for it, Alex.

"Well, damn. I usually leave an impression and by the way you were staring, I thought you remembered."

My heart is racing. What don't I remember? Who the hell is this guy? My butterflies turn into hornets and my anxiety takes over.

"We met at a party a couple of weeks ago. We took some pictures and I gave you my number. My party, actually. Ring any bells?"

I stare at him, half in awe of his amazing lips, and half in annoyance because he is talking to me with some attitude like I should know whoheis. Likeeveryoneknows who he is.

I see a couple of girls looking at him and gossiping on the way out the door. Who the fuck is he? I want to ask but I also want him to just tell me. Why am I such a bitch like that? I should just ask.

“Hey wait," he shouts as I try to exit the classroom. "I texted you a few times while you were drooling at the sight of me. But you didn't respond and left me on read. What's up with that?"

The nerve of this guy...

"Well, first of all, my phone is on vibrate, and second, I must have opened it on accident while looking through my purse. Besides, what makes you so special that you think I would respond anyway?” I let out a giggle I didn't expect to, mostly because I don't know who this guy thinks he is. I mean he is sexy and all…but no sir. I don't like that he has a big head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you. Also, I was not drooling over you.Youwere staring at me, so I was just staring back. You do look familiar but that's common since all of you cocky assholes look alike."

He laughs the sexiest laugh I have ever heard. On top of that, his voice is so fucking smooth and sexy. Just hearing him speak while I stare at him and knowing he knows who I am makes me tingle. I'm such a perv.

"Well, damn, Miss Alex. I didn't think you were going to be that hard on me. Don't you remember this face? You know you do. I love this stubborn, and confident attitude you have. I love the fact that you don't back down. Like I told you that night, you're one of a kind and I collect one-of-a-kind things."

I smile, even though I don't want to smile. I'm not something anyone can collect. That pisses me off. I have a gut feeling about who this is, but I don't know for sure. I want to make him work. If it is him, he deserves to work for it. I can't remember what Kohen looks like for sure but I just have a gut feeling. I feel like a giddy schoolgirl inside. Please sir, just take me here and now over these desks, on the floor, wherever. Man, I guess it's been a little bit. I'm not even sure who he is, yet I want him to take me.

"Sorry, but I just don't remember. I felt my phone vibrate, though, so I got your text. I'll try to find time to respond later. Bye."