“What do you mean? I talk to you all the time.” She moves her head back to look up at me.

“Not about anything that matters.”

She turns to shut off the water. “I’m not doing this, Kohen. Let's just chill, okay? Dancing is a need to know and I just don't think it’s something you need to know.” She storms out of the restroom and I follow her.

“Okay, cool. I got it, Won’t ask anymore.” I pull my jeans on and grab a t-shirt from my bag, rushing to get out of here before I say shit I don't mean.

“Good, dont,” she says, sarcasm lacing her voice like venom.

I stuff all my shit into the bag and panic fills her features.

“Where are you going?”

“School. I have to meet my trainer to go over my diet plan for the upcoming meet.”

“Well, are you mad?” she asks, following me down the stairs.

“Nah, I’m good." I don't even look back at her as I make my way to the car.

“Kohen, can you pause for one second.” I glance at her quickly, hoping she won’t notice. It’s not that I want to teach her a lesson but damn. I feel like a dog begging for scraps when I've given her a whole damn meal.

I shut the car door, not wanting to hear anything else she has to say right now. I’m too angry. I need to go work off all this aggression.

She stands on the porch watching me drive away, arms crossed over her chest and her hip propped against the door frame. I’m not giving in this time. It’s her turn.


He drives away and my heart lurches. Why the fuck can’t I open up? Every time my heart wants to let him in, my brain reminds me of every single reason why it’s a bad idea.He’s going to hurt you.

He hasn’t yet,I remind myself.

My phone rings from upstairs and I rush up, hoping it’s him. I don’t want to fight, I’m just not ready to tell him my dreams of dancing. I don’t want to hear more about how unreliable a career it is. The looks I get when I admit what I want to major in. Besides, right now it's just a hobby. My major is still undecided because I’ve never thought about doing anything other than dancing. I don’t even have a general direction. I’m fucking lost and it’s embarrassing.

I get to my phone too late, my sporadic thoughts slowing me. It was Xzavien. I’m not going to respond, I only want to hear from Kohen, but I also don't want to reach out first. I didn’t do anything wrong and I feel like he’s overreacting a bit. I’m just not ready and he should respect that.

My phone rings in my hand again and I look down at it. Xzavien’s name flashes across the screen. I answer and switch to a video call, his gorgeous smile gracing my screen. Every time I see him I’m reminded of how handsome he is, but he isn’t mine. Kohen is mine.

“Hey, X, what’s up? Is everything okay?” I say, plastering a smile on my face so he doesn’t see the sadness.

“Yeah, I just saw Kohen leaving your place like a bat out of hell. I’m just calling to see if you’re okay.”

I keep myself from rolling my eyes. I'm not stupid. I know that he has a crush on me and despite my friend zoning him, he keeps pushing to be in my life. I like him, just not like that I'm attracted to him. If I were single, I’d fuck him, but he seems like he is the type who would be ready to get married tomorrow. He’s just a bit too clingy for me.

“Yes, I’m fine. He just had to go meet his trainer.” I put the phone down so I can find my shoes.

“His trainer? Today?”

My Spidey senses tingle. “Yes, why?” I ask, raising an eyebrow in question.

“It’s not typical for the trainer to be there on a weekend, but he has no reason to lie to you, right?”

I can’t tell if he is being sarcastic or not, but I decide not to take the bait this time. Kohen has zero reasons to lie. Except for the fact that he was upset and wanted to get away from me.

“Right, I may have misheard him. I was just getting out of the shower and he was putting clothes on.” Pain washes over his face, but not enough for me to give an actual fuck. Kohen already told me about their little rivalry and I’m not playing into it, at least not right now anyway.

“Hey, I got to go. I have some work to catch up on, but lunch soon, babe. We can catch up.” I rush him off the phone and hang up before he can object to the call ending. I take it a step further and put his number ondo not disturb.I dial Kohen. Nothing. The line rings and rings until it goes to his voicemail. What the fuck?

It takes everything in me to not jump in the car and show up to his training session. I call Cora to talk me off the ledge and no answer. I text Kohen's cousin, and herI’m studying ttylauto response pops up instantly. Fuck!