Page 28 of Fate's Holi-Date

Better yet, maybe I’d be in Nashville, enjoying a snowy walk with her there and not here.

I check the weather on my phone, and sure enough, it’s snowing in Nashville.

She’s determined to go back to her old life there, and I can’t stop her. I wouldn’t want to stop her.

I wouldn’t want Ursula to be anything she doesn’t want to be. If she’s happier in the city, she should be there.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I find myself tapping out a search for law enforcement jobs in the Nashville area.

If she won’t stay, I will at least have to prove to her that I’ll fight for her. I’ll give up everything I know and follow her.

This is real, dammit. I won’t force it, but I will show her I mean it when I say I love her.

Just as I click to upload my résumé to one of the job sites, someone FaceTimes me.

I answer, and Jasmine’s face appears on my phone.

Immediately, my alarm bells go off. “Jasmine, is everything okay?”

“Yes, I gotta make this quick, friend.”

“How did you get my number?”

She cocks her head as if to ask if I’m for real. “Please. Who do you think you’re talking to?”

“A scary, scary lady.”

“I take that as a compliment. Listen. You need to get your ass down here and talk to your girl.”

“What’s wrong? Is she okay?”

“She’s fine! But I want you to come and surprise her at the wedding.”

“But she said the RSVPs already went out.”

“Are you serious? No. Chris, my fiancé, is paying for you to get on a plane, and you’re coming to the wedding.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Wait until after the first dance at least before you make your appearance. I don’t want you stealing my thunder.”

Of course, I’m going to do what she says. Mooney has already been saying I’m working too much, so there shouldn’t be a problem with me taking off for the next day or two.

“You don’t have to pay for me.”

“Less talking, more hustling. Get going, friend. And decide on the plane what you’re going to say.”

Aye aye, Captain.



The Four Seasons spa day was the right choice for a girls’ weekend prior to the wedding.

Jasmine and I have had a sound bath, acupressure massage, and now we’re getting mud masks while receiving hot stone pedicures and drinking mojitos.

It’s pretty close to the most relaxing day of my life.