Page 29 of Fate's Holi-Date

Jasmine has been acting weird for the past hour, though, like something is keying her up. Probably wedding jitters.

As she snacks on a strawberry, she gives me a serious look. “I know you won’t ask, but yes. This weekend definitely made up for you being too busy to call me for a month.”

I shake my head. “Never again. You’re important enough to put on my calendar every week, without exception. If not more.”

“Let’s not get carried away,” she says. “You’re about to be even busier with that boyfriend of yours.”

I scoff. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“You say that,” she says, finishing the strawberry and picking up a grape from the bowl between our pedicure stations, “but I’ve seen your face light up every time you get a text from him.”

I wince. “Sorry. You weren’t supposed to notice that.”

“Sweetie. Come on. Look at you, you’ve got that derpy grin right now. I can tell even with the mud cementing your face. Just admit you’re in love and you’re staying in that little town forever.”

I scoff, even as a pang of longing hits me. “You would be so mad.” But I would miss Noah so much more than Jasmine would be angry.

“I was more mad that you took so long to get away from Logan. I just want to see you happy, and you definitely seem happy.”

I’m so torn right now. I need to decide what it is that I want. “I feel like we lost our way as friends ever since I moved, and I regret that.”

She swallows, looking like she needs to tell me bad news.

“What is it?”

“After the honeymoon, Chris and I are moving to Seattle to be closer to his parents. They’re pretty old, and they need help at the vineyard. Meanwhile, I don’t have any family to keep me here, so that’s the plan. Close your mouth.”

I don’t know what to say so I go with: “Jasmine, oh my god, that’s huge news!”

“I know.”

“You’ve never lived anywhere but in the South.”

“I know.”

“It’s very soggy up there.”

“Yes it is.”

I pause and study my friend. “Are you excited?”

A wide smile breaks over her face, cracking her mud mask. “So excited. And don’t even worry about plane tickets. The man has so much money he can fly you guys out whenever you want to visit.”

I tilt my head.

“Us guys?”

She shrugs. “Slip of the tongue.”

The esthetician comes to help us peel off the mud masks.

When that’s finished, it’s a facial massage and blow outs.

With a long, lazy sigh, Jasmine looks over at me from across the room. “You ready to give me away?”

“Yes,” I say, but thinking no.

I was ready for everything to go back to the way it was.