“Thank you.”She whispers in response.

I nod my head slowly, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head, hoping to convey every single ounce of emotion I feel with it. From the way she leans into me, I think it does. She pulls back slightly then, looking up into my eyes, and I lean down to rest my forehead against hers once more. Our hearts pound wildly and my breathing has grown ragged as though I had run a marathon. I feel dizzy and weak all over. It's an incredible feeling - like I could fall apart without her next to me. Our legs continue to move in sync and anyone watching us, you would never believe we didn’t have this practiced beforehand.

Right on cue, the music comes to an end as I spin Lily gently in my arms, beforedipping her gently and capturing her in an embrace. She smiles at me shyly as I release her and let my hands fall to my sides, watching her closely.

The round of applause that greets our ears draws our attention back to the presence of others around us. Cheers and shouts fill the air as our dance comes to an end.

“That was amazing, guys!”Someone yells over the loud noise.”

“Bravo!!”Another person yells.

Lily buries her face in my chest, burying herself as far away as she possibly can while I hold her against me. My arms wrap tightly around her shoulders as she hides behind me, trying to shield herself from the onslaught of praise, compliments, and stares.

“Can we get out of here already?”She whispers.

“I’m way ahead of you.”

I take a quick bow then grab her hand, guiding her towards the exit.



As far as exhibitions go, that couldn’t have gone any better. After hours of professional smiles, handshakes, overstretched conversations,and that dance for the ages,we’re back in the solitude ofthe penthouse suite.I can still feel the excitement from earlier coursing through me like electricity.

Memories of this evening play in my head, from the drive over to the hall to helping me out of the car, holding doors for me to pass through, holding out my chair, and the endless stolen glances. Old fashioned chivalry is clearly not dead. That sincere look of affection that he had on his face every time he looked at me. I can’t place my head around it fully but I can tell something has definitely changed between us. Like a spark has been ignited and it could burst into flames at any moment. Lord knows I’m too powerless to do anything to stop it.

I know it’s been just a few days since we got talking but I’m starting to feel something for Liam. Something I never thought I’d ever be able to feel for anyone, let alone him. Especially not after our awkward past. From the look of things, I think the feeling is mutual.

The city lights are twinkling around us, illuminating the sky into a beautiful glow, the moon is just about full…it’s pretty spectacular and just like the hall earlier, tonight’s ambience is also perfect and romantic. Liam and I stand side by side by the edge of the terrace, eyes fixed on the city stretched out in front of us.

“Wow, the view from up here is really beautiful. I didn’t give it much attention last night.”I say, hands wrapped tightly on the cold railing as I let out another breath. The crisp air invigorates me and I look at him with soft eyes.He smiles and turns his head towards me, looking like an angelbathedinallthat moonlight. God, his eyes are so blue. Like an ocean, and I’m drowning in them already.

“I’m glad you like it. Much better than the packed hall we’vebeen in all evening.” He responds.

Everything around me blurs in a haze as my brain feels numb. From the way Liam staggers slightly on his feet, wine glass dangling precariously from one hand, he must be feeling the same too.I make a quick mental note never to drink past my limits ever again. Thinking of the many dumb things I’ve done after drinking, it’s a surprise I allow myself to get pulled by the lure of it.

“You know. I think we make a very good team. What do you say we start dating or better off, get married? I’d like to keep this chemistry going.”He jokes, leaning forward and resting his arms on the railings of the terrace, hands dangling into the night.

“You’re drunk.”

“I’m not.”

“You are, Liam. Get a grip on yourself.”

“What if I am? You can’t deny the fact that we do make a good match and that something is brewing between us already?”

Idon’trespond to his comment—more or less because I don’t know how to—instead I continue staring down at the city below us, eyes half-closed. When he turns to face me again, the grin on his face has disappeared, replaced by a more serious look. He reaches for my hand and pulls me closer to lean against his shoulder. My mind is still foggy, but my heart is fluttering, and I can feel myself start to blush.

“What are you doing, Liam?”I ask, trying to play off my attraction towards him. His fingers lace between mine, squeezing gently before letting go.

His hand snakes across my waist, holding me tight to him. He leans in close, mouth hovering inches away from my ear, voice low and husky.“Proving to you that I’m not drunk.”

I don’t have time to react when his lips meet mine. It's barely even a kiss, just a press of his lips against mine briefly. But it sends shivers down my spine, my heart racing and my pulse beating rapidly. The tipsy feeling I had felt before quickly dissipates into nothingness when he nips sharply at my earlobe. Goosebumps erupt all over my body, making me shiver involuntarily.

“Liam.”I whisper. There’s a slight tremble in my voice as I try to push him away, even though I want nothing more than to give in to him. I pull back slightly to see him smirking down at me, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. Instantly his lips are on mine again, and this time there’s no stopping him. Even if I wanted to, the alcohol has my senses numb, my body more responsive to his touch, and my emotions in overdrive. He continues kissing me passionately, hands roaming everywhere at once.

“Liam, what are we doing?” I moan breathlessly when I finally manage to pull myself apart from him.