Lily’s laughter is absolutely derisive and it leaves me regretting my decision to admit how I felt. She keeps laughing for what feels like forever, while I stand watching her until she manages to compose herself. “I never thought the day would come that Liam Denver would admit to having any form of human emotion, let alone jealousy.”

“Why? Surely, I can’t be that bad?”

“No, you’re not. You just don’t come across as that kind of guy. I think I like this side of you better.”

“Whatever you say.”

I’ll never hear the end of this. That I can bet. But it does feel good, to admit my emotions for a change.

Something about tonight makes me want to give in to all those emotions I’ve had bottled in for years. Maybe it’s how beautiful Lily looks, maybe it’s the classical music playing in the background, maybe it’s the ambiance or even the alcohol. But my inhibitions are off and I want to let my guard down with Lily tonight–consequences be damned. I think I have the perfect place to start.

“Hey!” I say, eyes fixed on the dance floor a few yards away from us.”

“Hi!” Lily returns. I take a quick look at her and return my attention to the dance floor. I might get lost in her eyes if I look too much.

“About that dance..” I drawl, feeling a little shy. Another one of the many strange emotions I’ve felt tonight.


“Would you do me the honor and dance with me?”

Lily strokes her chin, pretending to consider my proposition before breaking into a wide grin.“I was wondering if you would ever ask.”

* * *

There are a few couples on the dance floor when we get there. The center seems to be reserved for the first couple who would take the bold step and the spotlight. Lily protests as I lead her to the middle but I refuse to budge, pushing my way past the crowd till we’re at the center of the room.

“I’m suddenly reconsidering my decision, Liam.”She whispers, glancing nervously around, clearly concerned at the people who seem to stare at us and whisper amongst themselves.


“I’m not a very good dancer and everyone’s watching.”

“That’s just what I was hoping for. I just hope Thèo is watching us too.”

“You’re a lost cause.” She shakes her head and chuckles.

“Lost in your eyes.”There’s that look of surprise on her face again but I ignore it and press a small kiss against her temple.“Ready? One, two, three…”I count slowly under my breath as I pull her close and she wraps her arms around my neck, allowing me to guide her in a slow circle. It takes less than two seconds for my heart to start racing from the contact, her sweet scent filling my nostrils. Lily steps on my foot twice, digging painfully deep into my flesh and making me wince.

“I’m sorry. I told you I’m not too good at this.”She says, sounding somewhat ashamed.

“Doesn’t matter. Just relax. Forget about everyone and everything else. It’s just you, me, and the music tonight.”

She nods and I continue to lead her through the routine, trying not to think about how warm her body feels against mine or the way her hair tickles my nose. After a moment, I reach down and grab her hand, placing it on top of mine and wrapping my other arm around her waist. The tension in her body seems to dissipate and we begin to move in sync with the music, gradually becoming aware of each other’s presence as we move together in a comfortable rhythm.

Lily closes her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she lets her whole body go slack against mine, her weight barely supported by my arms around her. I smile as her head leans onto my shoulder and I can't help but brush some stray strands away from her face. Everything in this moment feels so perfect.

“Liam…”She breathes, her soft sigh blowing right into my ear. I shiver and she giggles softly at the reaction my action elicits.



“Hey,”I say softly. I tilt my head down until our foreheads touch and I feel her breath hitch slightly.

“What is it?”

“You look really beautiful tonight.”I murmur into her ear, my lips ghosting against her earlobe. Her cheeks turn a faint shade of pink and she smiles. The cutest, most adorable thing I’ve seen in my entire life.