"Um…" She rubs her arms and stares down at the ground. "Don't think it's a good idea, that's all. I need to reassert the line between client and therapist."


She freezes, not even blinking. "I meant, um, well, that being friends with a client isn't professional. I know I suggested that, but, uh… It's just a bad idea."

I might be getting a sliver of an inkling about what's going on here. But no, it can't be that. Callum wouldn't hide the truth from me. If he realized he's attracted to Kate, he would tell me.

"Lunch with a client isn't a crime," I tell her. "Come on, Kate. Say yes."

She chews on her bottom lip. Then she sighs. "Okay. Yes."

Finally, I've convinced Kate. Now, if I can just get one or both of them to tell me what happened on Saturday…

Chapter Thirteen


At last, I have some peace and quiet. Hugh has been bloody annoying lately, asking intrusive questions about things that are none of his concern. I don't have to tell him everything. Aye, he's my best mate. But even friendship has its limits. I will never tell him what Kate and I did, because it will never happen again. Why upset him for no reason?

I stifle a groan. No reason? I shagged the woman he wants to date after I told him I have no interest in Kate. I am the worst sort oftolla-thon. Hugh should call me an ersehole, in English or Gaelic, because I have become one. A selfish, lying, cheating bastard. That's me.

The door swings open, and Hugh walks into the apartment.

Kate walks in behind him.

I jerk forward, twisting my neck around to gawp at the pair of them. Why the bloody hell would Hugh bring Kate here? I thought he went for a walk alone, but he comes back with her.

"Relax, Cal," Hugh says. "I invited Kate to have lunch with us. She's not here to torture you, though if you ask nicely, maybe Kate will give you a massage."

Kate goes pale, her jaw drops, and she gapes at me.

Brilliant. That won't make Hugh suspicious at all.

My best mate gets an odd look on his face as he glances between me and Kate. "Am I missing something here? Did you two have a massage-related argument? If Callum got grumpy with you, Kate, about the erection incident—"

"It's not about that," I snap. "Kate doesn't do massage. There was no incident and no argument."

"Calm down. I was only trying to be helpful."

Kate glances at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. "I don't have time for lunch with you guys, anyway. Need to get back to the clinic. I'll just order something to be delivered there."

"Eating alone at your desk?" Hugh says. "That's not acceptable."

"It's acceptable to me."

Kate rushes out the door, slamming it behind her.

Hugh stares at the door, his brows furrowed. "What was that about?"

"She has work to do."

"Yes, I figured that out on my own." He sits on the edge of the coffee table directly in front of me. "I can't understand this, Callum. Not your behavior, not Kate's. You and I are meant to be best mates, but I feel like you're hiding things from me. What happened to the days when we would go to a pub on Saturday night and chat up girls?"

"Donnae feel like chatting up anybody. And I thought you were dead-set on Kate."

"I am, but—" He rubs his forehead. "Would you rather I went home? It seems like you don't want me around."

"Of course I want you around, Hugh. But donnae invite Kate over anymore."