"Why not?"

Because I can't watch while he works his magic on the lass I want to…date.Pit air iteig. I should tell Hugh my feelings have changed, but the words won't come out. I think I've got situational laryngitis. It only flares up when Hugh asks me questions about Kate.

"Just don't invite her over," I say. "Please, Hugh. I can't see her outside of therapy, and I'm not even sure I want to continue with that, anyway."

"You're quitting your rehab? But it seems to be working. On Saturday, you weren't limping at all. At least, not until after you returned from your mysterious disappearance."

"It wasn't mysterious." I need to end this conversation now. "Why don't you go…do something. I'm sure you can find a way to entertain yourself."

"Yes, I can." He studies me for a moment, his lips puckered slightly. Then he slaps his hands on his thighs and stands up. "I will leave you to your brooding, if that's what you want."

"Aye, it is."

"Maybe I should stay to make lunch, then abandon you."

"I can feed myself, Hugh. Do it all the time when you're not here."

He raises his hands, palms out. "I surrender."

Then he walks out the door.

My best friend might not believe it, but Icanmanage to feed myself. Maybe I wind up eating Scotch pies I nicked from my mother's refrigerator, but Hugh will never know that. Though I try to relax by watching television, I can't stop thinking about Kate. We still haven't cleared the air between us. She hugged me, and I hugged her back. That doesn't seem like a proper client-therapist thing to do. I need to talk to her. I need to see her. Maybe she meant what she said about not wanting a romantic relationship. The only way to know what Kate wants is to ask her—in person, not on the phone.

I drive to the clinic and walk up to the glass door, grasping the handle. But I cannnae move a single muscle in my body. I stand here holding the metal handle, staring into the space beyond the glass.

Kate and Hugh have just walked out of the door into the waiting room. They're laughing. Kate lays a hand on Hugh's upper arm and leans in to say something to him. Then he leans in to whisper in her ear. She grins and wags a finger at him.

Are they flirting?Bod an Donais. I shouldn't have come here.

Kate glances toward the front windows, where I'm standing.

What do I do? Run away like a bleeding coward. I jump into my car and speed away. Cannae explain why. Maybe because it's dead obvious that, yes, Kate and Hugh were flirting. She's attracted to him after all, despite saying she has no interest in him beyond friendship. Her feelings changed, like mine have. But she changed her mind about wanting Hugh, which leaves me out in the cold.

I have no one to blame but myself.

Kate couldn't have seen me. I ran away just as she looked in my direction, and she could've gotten only a brief glimpse of someone standing at the door.

When I get back to the apartment, I go straight into my room and drop onto the bed to stare up at the ceiling. Jack was right. I do need psychotherapy. What sort of ersehole behaves the way I have? Well, at least there's no need to tell Hugh I had a poke with Kate. He's won her affection, and I'm out of the picture. It's just as well. Kate deserves a man who isn't afraid to confront his fears.

My mobile rings.

I dig it out of my pocket and answer with a grumbled hello.

"Are you okay, Callum?"

That's Kate speaking. I spring into a sitting position, my heart pounding. "What?"

"I asked if you're okay. Saw you outside the clinic. Why did you drive away without coming inside?"

"Well, I—You were busy."

"Busy? No. My next client had canceled at the last minute. We could've talked, alone. We need to do that, Callum."

"Aye, but you weren't alone."

She says nothing for a few seconds. "You mean because Hugh was here. He was just leaving."

"I'm happy for you. Hugh's a good man, and you're a good woman."