Caleb cleared his throat loudly. I shot him a frustrated look - I was trying my best here.

“But it’s definitely more laid-back than the big city,” I continued. “The pace of life is slower...”

“Sounds perfect to me!” Nate grinned. “I’d love to get away from the rat race.”

Caleb snorted at this. I glared at him again. His jealousy was getting out of hand.

“Excuse me a sec, Nate,” I said. I grabbed Caleb’s arm and pulled him aside, lowering my voice. “You’re being obvious and rude. I’m just making small talk.”

Caleb looked contrite. “Sorry. I just got... protective seeing him with you.”

My frustration melted. Caleb cared enough to be jealous. That was something.

I smiled softly. Our moment was interrupted by Nate’s voice.

“Everything okay over there?”

I sighed. Duty called. But at least now Caleb and I understood each other better.

Chapter 15

Thearomaoffreshlybrewed coffee enveloped me as I bustled around the counter, topping off mugs and calling out orders. “One hazelnut latte for Susan!” The chatter and clinking of dishes filled Pebble’s Brew with the warm sound of community.

When a delivery truck rumbled up outside, I paused to jot down a reminder to restock the pastries. Frowning, I untied my apron. We weren’t expecting a shipment today.

Stepping into the sunshine, I shielded my eyes to find the driver unloading crates.

“Morning!” He flashed a grin. “Where do you want these?”

“There must be some mistake.” I scanned the unfamiliar labels. “We didn’t order any of this.”

The driver’s smile faded. “If you didn’t order it, who did?”

I shook my head helplessly. Before I could respond, a voice called out behind me.

“Everything okay out here?”

I blinked in surprise as Caleb strode up beside me, his usual crisp appearance slightly rumpled. His stormy eyes took in the pile of boxes and crates in confusion.

“What’s all this?” He asked, gesturing at the delivery.

I sighed, shaking my head. “It seems there’s been a mix-up. I ordered our usual shipment of coffee beans and almond milk, but they sent soy milk and decaf instead.”

I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming on. The day had barely started, and things were already going wrong.

Caleb frowned, glancing between the delivery driver and me who stood by awkwardly.

“Well, that won’t do at all,” Caleb said decisively. He started unpacking the crates, sorting through them with purpose.

I watched him, bewildered. “You don’t have to...”

“Nonsense.” He shot me a roguish grin. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t help a distressed lady?”

Despite myself, I smiled back. Leave it to Caleb to dive right in.

With his help, we soon had the delivery unpacked. I sighed at the piles of useless soy milk and decaf beans. At least the shop wasn’t too busy yet. Maybe I could nip this problem in the bud before the morning rush.

Caleb clapped a hand on my shoulder, his touch sending a tingle down my spine. “Don’t worry, we’ve got this handled. I’ll make a few calls and get the proper order sent over. We’ll have this place ship-shape again in no time.”