His confidence was contagious. Even unexpected hiccups like this didn’t seem so bad with Caleb by my side. I met his eyes, gratitude welling up inside me.

“Thank you,” I said softly.

Caleb smiled, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Anytime.”

I nodded, turning my focus back to the task at hand. As I sifted through one of the boxes, I came across a bag of pastries that must have been tossed in by mistake.

“Well, would you look at that,” I murmured, holding up a crooked bear claw. Its shape was distorted like it had risen unevenly in the oven.

Caleb peered over my shoulder. “Huh. That’s... unique.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s one way to put it.” I held up another pastry with a lopsided swirl of cinnamon. “They’re like the misfit toys of the bakery world.”

That got a chuckle out of Caleb. His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. “I think they have character,” he said.

An idea sprang to mind. I grabbed a piece of chalk and went to the specials board, writing “Misfit Pastry Sale!” at the top.

“I bet folks will get a kick out of these,” I said. “Maybe we’ll start a new trend.”

Caleb grinned. “I like the way you think.”

Together, we set up a display with irregular pastries. As the morning rush picked up, customers were delighted by the quirky treats. Laughter and chatter filled the café once more.

With the crisis averted, I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. Caleb’s steadfast support meant more than I could say. Maybe it was time to start letting him in, just a little.


I took a damp cloth and wiped down the counter, taking a moment to gather my thoughts. Caleb leaned against the pickup counter, arms crossed over his chest. His sleeves were still rolled up from unpacking boxes.

“Thank you,” I said finally, “for pitching in today. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up.”

Caleb shrugged. “No problem. I’m happy to help.”

“It’s not just today,” I confessed. “Running this place solo has been...a challenge. I feel like I’m letting my parents down if I so much as take a day off.”

Caleb frowned, his brow furrowing. “Zoe, you can’t do everything perfectly all the time. No one expects you to be superhuman.” His voice was gentle.

“I know, I just...” I sighed, looking around the shop. “Pebble’s Brew was their whole world. I want to honor that. But some days, it feels like too much.”

Caleb put a hand on my shoulder. “You’re doing an amazing job. But you don’t have to do it alone.” His eyes searched mine. “Let me help you more, Zoe. Please.”

My heartbeat quickened at his touch. I managed a small smile. “Okay,” I whispered.

I took a deep breath and stepped away from Caleb, looking around at the busy coffee shop. The morning rush ended, and customers were finishing their drinks and pastries.

“Excuse me, everyone!” I said loudly, grabbing a chair and climbing on top. All eyes turned to me. “Sorry to interrupt, but can I have your attention for a quick minute?”

A hush fell over the cafe as patrons looked up curiously. I cleared my throat, suddenly nervous with all those expectant faces staring back at me.

“Hi. Most of you already know me, but to those who don’t yet, I’m Zoe, the owner of Pebble’s Brew.” I gave a little wave. “I hope you love this place as much as I do. Thanks to my parents, it’s been a part of this town for over fifty years.”

I paused, steadying myself. “But recently, keeping things running smoothly has been a struggle. I wanted to ask if any of you would be interested in volunteering resources to help keep Pebble’s Brew alive?”

I held my breath. For a moment, no one spoke. Then, Ms. Clara, my favorite regular with her bouffant silver hair, raised her hand.

“I’d be happy to organize a bake sale fundraiser, dear,” she offered kindly. Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd. More hands shot up. Ideas tumbled out - donation drives, special events, social media campaigns.

My heart swelled. This plucky seaside town was rallying around me - around us. As I stepped down from the chair, Caleb caught my gaze, pride shining in his eyes.