Page 61 of Vicious in the Dark

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I muttered with a roll of my eyes. “You called Wolfe? I’m not a goddamn child, guys. What the fuck is this shit?”

“Don’t get pissed at us, man. We tried Ruthless, but he didn’t answer. You’re the one who chose our place of business to act like a jackass. You’re lucky we didn’t break your hands and leave you in the alley out back.” The long-haired man acting as the Crypt Keepers spokesman waved a hand at the door. “Get out now before I change my mind about that.”

I stood up with an exasperated sigh. Why did someone always have to ruin my fun? “You really don’t want to fuck with me. Careful what threats you utter. They could be your last.”

“Let’s go, Maddox,” Wolfe barked, his features fixed into a hard, unreadable expression. It was all in his eyes, the way he wanted to throttle me with his bare hands. “You’re not welcome here anymore.”

Not wanting to air any of our dirty family laundry in front of the bikers, I stormed from the room and out the front door. Wolfe and Maven followed, keeping pace with me. Outside I found Ace waiting next to Wolfe’s Mustang.

“Keys,” Ace said, holding out a hand expectantly.

I cursed bitterly and dug my keys from my pocket, slapping them into his outstretched hand. “This is some serious bullshit.”

“The stunt you just pulled in there was some serious bullshit,” Wolfe snapped, his fury showing now that we were away from outsiders. “What the hell is wrong with you, Maddox? You’re not a goddamn teenager anymore. Grow the fuck up.”

“Go fuck yourself,” I said, turning to walk down the block to where my car was parked. “I didn’t ask you to come here and play big brother. If I want to go out and pick a bar fight, I damn well will.”

Wolfe made a frustrated noise. “What is your problem? Are you really that insecure and jealous because Maven stayed with me?”

Gritting my teeth together, I told myself to keep walking. I didn’t want to argue with my brother at all, let alone in front of Maven. When I didn’t reply or stop, Wolfe came after me. He grabbed my shoulder and aggressively whirled me around.

I couldn’t help but react instinctively. My bruised fist came up, ready to swing if he pushed me too far. Both Maven and Ace rushed forward to get between us.

“I’m allowed to have feelings, Wolfe,” I spat, jostling Ace aside as I gave my brother a shove. “Mind your own damn business. You never gave a shit about me the entire time she was gone. Don’t pretend you care now.”

“God, you’re still a spoiled, selfish asshole, aren’t you? Can’t you ever admit when you’ve fucked up?” Wolfe let Maven push him back a few paces. His angry stare never wavered as he glared daggers at me.

“Wolfe, don’t,” Maven said gently. “That’s not helping anything. You both need to calm down.”

It was too late. Wolfe had triggered my last nerve. A tornado of emotion ripped from me, driving the words that rushed from my lips.

“You want me to admit that I fucked up?” I shouted, gesturing wildly with both arms. “By all means. I’m a hotheaded idiot. I pissed off Archer, and it’s all my fault that he went after Maven. It’s my fault that you hate me now, Wolfe. I screwed up everything we had, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. If it makes you feel better to keep throwing it in my face, then I guess I can’t stop you, but I don’t have to stand here and listen to it.”

This time when I walked away, Wolfe let me go. Ace jogged after me, keeping his distance as he followed. Behind me I heard Maven softly say, “That wasn’t cool, Wolfie.”

She’d said she didn’t know if she could forgive me, and yet she defended me, wanting to protect me from pain in her own way. Not a single one of us deserved her. Least of all me.



Wolfe started to go after Maddox, but I held him back. “Leave him. You both need to cool down.”

I braced myself in case he stormed off after his brother anyway. Thankfully, he relaxed and let me guide him back to the Mustang. Ace would drive Maddox home, and then take an Uber back to his own place. With the night coming to an end, I just wanted to sleep.

“Are you okay to drive?” I asked when we were inside the car. “I can drive if you want.”

“It’s cool. I’m fine. I’m sorry that I upset you, Mave.” Across the dark interior, Wolfe’s gaze met mine. The lack of light didn’t keep me from seeing the haunted expression he wore.

Down the street I watched Maddox get into the passenger side of his car, slamming the door in anger. The conflict between the Hale brothers made me physically sick. My stomach hurt at the thought of them always being this way.

“Don’t worry about me,” I said, patting Wolfe’s thigh. “I can’t force you two to work things out, but I think it’s past time for that to happen.”

Wolfe scoffed and started the car. “Did you see him though? He’s impossible. There’s no getting through to him. He’s a hardheaded, stubborn jerk. I’m sick of dealing with it.”

I sighed and leaned against my door. “If I’d known this would happen to you guys, I’d never have left.”

Wolfe’s shoulders slumped. He was quiet for several minutes as he drove. The streets were nearly empty at this time of night. The drive would have been peaceful if the weight in my chest hadn’t been so heavy.