Page 60 of Vicious in the Dark

“Come on, man,” Ruthless tried one more time as I opened the door. “Don’t go off and do something stupid just because Maven wants to fuck Wolfe tonight instead of you.”

I froze in the doorway, slowly turning back to face him. “Cut the shit. It’s about more than that, and you know it. Maybe you don’t relate because you’re a stone-cold motherfucker. That’s fine, but back off and let me handle my shit my way.”

Ruthless raised both hands in surrender and backed away from the door. “Fine. Forgive me for caring. Do whatever the fuck you want. Don’t get killed, asshole.”

For Ruthless that was as meaningful as saying I love you. I flipped him the bird and grinned before strolling out the door. He may have been my best friend, but I’d still knock his ass out if he followed me. For too long Ruthless had been hovering close, always ready to pull me out of a scrape or stop me from losing my head. This time though, I wanted to lose my head, and I didn’t need him to get in the way.

I got into my car and started the engine, revving it a few times before putting it in drive. The punching bag in the basement workout room wouldn’t be enough to purge this rage. Not this time. Who the fuck was I even angry at? Maven? Not really. Myself? Probably but the jury was still out.

Once I rolled through the gate and onto the street, I hit the gas, pushing the car quickly to the speed limit. With Motionless in White blasting through the speakers, I drove straight to the nightclub run by the Crypt Keepers. Unlike their private MC club, this place was open to the public. As one might expect, it drew a vast number of unsavory types up to no good, including me.

My first stop was the bar where I promptly ordered and drank three shots of tequila. Several people tried to engage me in conversation. I waved them all away, not giving a shit if I was being a dick. I didn’t come here to make friends. Being recognizable in the city’s underworld crime community didn’t mean that I was available for any bozo looking to make a name for himself. If they didn’t leave me alone, I wouldn’t even have to seek out a scrap.

Having Maven back home was messing with my head. I wasn’t handling it well. Grabbing her off the street and locking her in my childhood bedroom hadn’t been my finest moment. Once I knew that Archer had eyes on her, I panicked.

Protecting her now didn’t free me of the guilt I’d carried since the night they took her. I didn’t think anything ever would. I didn’t deserve her forgiveness, and I could live without it, as long as she was safe.

Two more shots and I was ready to take and throw a few punches. Nothing too serious. Just a good old fashioned bar brawl.

I turned around on my barstool to survey my options. I could pretty much walk up to any random dude and throw a punch in his face, but I wanted to guarantee that I chose a man who’d fight back without a second thought. Then I spotted him. A thick, burly biker at a table with a few others, a cute blonde perched on his lap. In my gut I knew he’d give me the reaction I sought.

Hands stuffed in my jeans pockets, I strolled across the room, ignoring a woman who called my name as I went. I walked right up to the table, blatantly eye fucking the blonde. “Hey there, sweetheart. Interested in a man who knows how to find your clit? I’d love to wear you like a face mask.”

Not for a second would I utter such ridiculous shit to Maven. She’d laugh in my face and kick me in the nuts. But this chick wasn’t Maven, and I didn’t really want to fuck her. After Maven left, I’d spent an entire year celibate before screwing a woman in the bathroom of a nightclub. Then I’d gone home, scrubbed my skin raw in the shower, and punched a hole in the tile.

“What the fuck did you just say?” The biker slammed his beer glass down on the table, his features tightening with anger.

His friends grew visibly tense. Most people knew better than to fuck with me. Although there was always some asshole with something to prove. I was betting this guy was that asshole.

“I said I’m going to take your girl home and let her ride my face. She’s looking a little bored. Thought she could use some excitement.” I shrugged, winking at the blonde who now looked relatively petrified.

Her boyfriend fumed, his face turning a dangerous shade of red. “Do you have a death wish, buddy? You’ve got three seconds to turn around and make a smarter choice.”

Ignoring him, I ogled his girl, licking my lips like she was food. Anything to get the reaction I sought. “I bet you taste like candy.”

The woman frowned, but she gave me a studious onceover, like maybe she considered it. That was more than enough to set off her biker boyfriend. He stood up quickly, almost knocking her to the floor in his haste. She narrowly managed to get out of his way before he threw a fist in my face.

I welcomed the pain that shot through my skull as blood gushed from my nose. Now that he’d thrown the first punch, I was free to retaliate. My fist slammed into his jaw, knocking him back a step. He almost fell back onto his seat but managed to stay on his feet. His lady friend shrieked and shouted at his friends to make it stop.

“Oh my God, Billy, stop it,” she cried, her voice an assault on my ears. “He’s not worth it.”

She was probably right about that. She wasn’t the only one shouting as we continued to trade blows. One of his buddies stood and called his name, adding, “That’s Maddox Hale, you nutsack. Don’t fucking kill him or we’re all dead.”

He wasn’t wrong. Ruthless would lead our people in a massacre if I died here tonight. My brother, as much as I hated to admit it, would probably join him. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. My intentions were pure. All I wanted was a good brawl, which Billy gladly gave me. He tackled me around the waist and took me down hard on the floor. The breath was crushed from my lungs, but it didn’t stop me from driving an elbow into his face.

We wrestled on the floor while several people surrounded us, trying to get close enough to split us up. Billy grunted as he went for a headbutt. I saw it coming and brought my forearm up to ward off the blow. My other fist caught him above the eye, splitting open a gash in his eyebrow.

Hands grabbed at us, clutching our flailing limbs as they dragged us apart. Half a dozen men crowded between us, making sure we couldn’t keep going. One of Billy’s biker friends pushed him back toward their table. Four men herded me toward the staff only door near the bar. What the hell?

“What’s going on, guys?” I asked, swiping a hand through the blood dripping from my nose. “If you’d like to toss me outside, I’ll be on my way.”

They shoved me into a small office and stepped inside with me before closing the door. I fully expected to get my ass kicked for starting trouble in their establishment. That was fair.

“Sit down and sit tight, Hale. You’ll be leaving soon.” A dude with a Crypt Keepers grinning skull patch patted my shoulder, using it to shove me down into an office chair.

“Sounds suspicious, but all right.” I settled into the chair, waiting for someone to start breaking my fingers. No MC would be stupid enough to kill me but doling out a little punishment for my bad behavior was fair game.

After ten minutes of awkward silence, the door opened and Wolfe walked in. Maven was right behind him.