Page 37 of Little Mouse

I arch a brow as I open the folder and set it in front of me. “And how do you know this?”

“Our mole on the inside sent through the information a moment ago. The entire family went into a closed door meeting. Then they called in the men who were watching her place, and killed them for letting her get away,” Dante answers, checking the message on his phone again.

“So, they think she left, not that she was taken,” I muse thoughtfully.

“It would appear that way, or at least our mole interpreted it that way. Also said that the eldest son threw some glass and was shouting about how their father should have let him deal with her and this would never have happened. They’re mobilizing the men to search for her.”

“They will never find her.” Of that, I’m certain.

“I have another informant close to the uncle, and he is livid. But that could be because her missing means he just lost his ace in the hole to close the deal with the Sicilians, if he is making a deal with them.”

“Which means we’re going to have some very pissed off De Lucas roaming the streets and possibly our territory. And we’re certain that none of our men or staff are going to let anything slip?”

“Not if they value their lives,” Dante says with a cold smile, his blue eyes glinting dangerously.

“Perhaps a reminder should be in order.”

“I’ll see to it. And I’ll make sure Sofia and the house staff know as well. After last night, all anyone is talking about is how she almost managed to get away from you.” He smirks at that last little bit of information.

I scowl. “I was never going to let her get away. And everyone needs to keep their damn mouths shut. That way they don’t slip and say it to the wrong person.”

Dante nods. “I’ll add that to the reminder. But I’d like to point out, you started that little game, and you know these things never stay quiet forever.”

“They just need to stay quiet long enough for me to make my next move.” And speaking of… “Where are we with the raid on Seamus?”

“It went off without a hitch. We left tell-tale signs that it was the Russians, but also left a couple of things that could point to De Luca. Eion hasn’t come back with any kind of news, but what I understand from our informants, Seamus’s hit on the Russians went according to plan. Now they are in a little mini battle.”

I smile triumphantly. “Good. Then things are moving along nicely.”

“I’m a little concerned that we have left no possible traces of ourselves,” Dante says carefully. “We’re pointing to every other major family, but not us. Wouldn’t that immediately make it so that it’s pointed our way?”

“Possibly,” I agree after a moment. “Let’s see how things play out, and we can adjust accordingly. But have contingencies in place in case Seamus or Morozov get wise and come calling.”

“We are ready if they do,” Dante assures me.

“Good. Keep an eye on the situation with the De Lucas and let me know any updates as soon as they happen. They’ll eventually come calling here to either see if we have her or ask for our help in locating her.”

“Knowing Leonardo, he’d rather slit his own throat than ask you for help.”

I give a cool smile. “Then we’ll hope for that then, won’t we? But I’m not all that sure it will be Leonardo that comes to me.”

“You think Giovanni or one of his sons will?” Dante asks in surprise.

“Giovanni wants to take over, and what better way than to have someone help him? I’m the bigger of the bosses, and he would no doubt bargain with me to ensure I help him. The question is, what will he bargain with? More territory? I doubt he would be willing to give up any part of his power.”

Dante’s eyes widen slightly. “You think he’ll try to bargain with his niece.”

“A strong possibility,” I agree.

“But if he’s in a deal with the Sicilians…”

“He’ll either break it to side with me, or he’ll string me along and try to take over my territory with the help of his new ties to the Sicilians through whoever he’s negotiated with for Gia’s marriage.”

“These fuckers have no loyalty to their family, do they?” he remarks in disgust.

I arch a brow at him. “And you do?”

“The only ones I am loyal to are you, my mother, and Sofia. Anyone else I have nothing to do with. Not even that bastard father of mine or his fucking family.”