Page 38 of Little Mouse

When it comes to the Esposito family, they are a sore spot for Dante. They consider him a bastard and want nothing to do with him. Not even caring it was their son that raped Dante’s mother. Though I also figure the color of his skin has something to do with it. Still, his father tried to keep him as a soldier, dangling the possibility that he would one day inherit it all as a carrot. Dante knew it would never happen, so he finally left. Much to his Father’s anger. His loss is my gain, considering Dante is one hell of a soldier.

“Noted. But until we know which way things are going to lean, keep your ear to the ground and make sure to let me know of any developments.”

“Are you going to let them know you have her?” Dante asks me curiously as he moves towards his desk.

I don’t bother hiding my scowl at the thought of them ever getting near her again, especially after everything I found out last night. “Eventually, but only when I am ready.”

Dante eyes me, then looks at the door. Seeing it closed, he asks me bluntly, “You’re falling for her, aren’t you?”

“No,” I reply instantly, firmly. “I don’t do love, you know this.”

“I didn’t either,” he points out. “But with Sofia…”

I huff out an annoyed breath. “You really are going to tell me you’re falling in love with that shrew of a woman?”

Dante chuckles. “As much as you like to intimidate her, you and I both know you like her. And you like how she responds to you. I don’t know if I love her, but the idea of her not being around doesn’t sit right with me. And I can admit that I enjoy not going to an empty bed at night. She knows this life, knows what she can and can’t ask, and sees me as more than your underboss. It’s not as terrible as I thought it would be, but perhaps it depends on the woman.”

“You sure you don’t want me to check her purse for your balls?”

He flips me off. “All I’m saying is, don’t lump Giulia De Luca in with your conquests. She isn’t that type of woman, and you know it.” Then he turns away, clicking away at his computer, clearly done with the discussion.

I scowl at him but then turn back to my own work. I have better things to be doing than worrying about my relationship with Gia. She’s mine, and I don’t need to label it. Which is why I need to focus on the folder in front of me. If I’m going to take down the De Lucas and make them pay for what they put Gia through, I need to have all the information at my disposal.

The longer I read, the more I realize how fucked up that family is. And it seems Marco has a heavy hand when it comes to punishment. Suggesting a very short fuse on his temper. A weakness I can exploit. Leonardo is much calmer, but much like his son, he can be impatient. Age has helped him handle it better, but there are definitely some decisions that he’s made that weren’t for the better because he moved too quickly. Namely, he didn’t think my father would ever come in and take over a huge chunk of territory he didn’t feel was important.

The other boys, Sebastian, Mateo, Dario, and Antonio are lower on the family totem pole, with most of them preferring the results of the business rather than the work they are supposed to be doing. Still, they are also known for being harsh in punishments they dolled out, and if things go too far, their father and older brother just clean up the mess and let it be.

Then there is Carmen, wife number three to Leonardo. Now, she is a piece of work, and perfectly suited to be the wife of a mafia boss. She’s never had a child, but then again, what does it matter considering how many sons Leonardo has now. She’s living off his hard work, and with the respect of a woman of her station. She’s also known for being a bit of a bitch if you double-cross her. Looking at the picture of her, I can tell that she loves to spend money on nice things, but the majority of her is fake. Fake hair, nails, boobs, and probably fake lips from the size of them in the picture.

None of this information surprises me. It merely irritates me and leaves me searching for more. Everyone has skeletons, and I need to find theirs. I flip through more of the file until I find a picture of Marco leaving an apartment building in the heart of their territory. His hair is mussed, and there’s a self-satisfied look on his face that a man only carries after fighting or fucking. Considering his hands are clear of any injuries in the photo, it would stand to reason the latter is the reason for the smirk on his face. I search through the rest of the folder, but nothing else comes from it.

I look over at Dante and hold up the picture. “Where is this?”

Dante narrows his eyes as he looks at the photo. “Looks like one of the highrises over in downtown Queens.” He turns back to his computer and starts typing away. “It’s the Diamond Highrise. Only those with some major coin live there.”

“I want a list of all occupants in that building. It seems that our boy Marco has been seeing someone there, and I want to find out who.”

Dante nods and sends off a text. “Our guys will have the list shortly. You think whoever he’s seeing will be important in taking them down?”

I shrug. “Could be he’s just dipping his wick in easy pussy, but Marco is calculating. And I doubt he would fuck someone in his social circle unless it benefits him in some way.” Though I don’t also tell him that my intuition is telling me Marco is definitely up to something. I glance at the file again. He’s in his late-thirties, which means he’s probably getting some pressure from his father to settle down and produce some heirs for their empire. He could be trying to forge alliances on his own, woo someone his father has chosen for him, but I don’t think so. Knowing Leonardo, he has women picked out for each of his sons that he feels will be advantageous as a match.

Marrying for love is not common in our world. Even for sons that are lower in ranks.

“Well, fuck,” Dante says, surprise in his voice.

I look at him expectantly. Instead of answering me, he sends it to my computer. When I look, I arch a brow. Well now, isn’t that interesting? And it changes some things. “I think we need to have a meeting with Eion again. Let’s find out what we can from him on why Seamus’s youngest daughter is living in the middle of De Luca territory and how none of us have picked up on it until now. And then we need to figure out what the hell kind of plans Marco is making with her.”

“You think he’s trying to overthrow his father?”

“Or Seamus.”

Dante’s brow arches. “Then the boy is fucking stupid if he thinks Seamus is going to give up without a fight. Hell, I’d be surprised if Seamus didn’t already know about it and is just biding his time to see how things play out.”

On that, I can agree. But then again, Seamus hasn’t always been the brightest in seeing things right under his nose. “We’ll keep this information between us until we figure out how to play this. Let me know when the meeting with Eion will be.”

“Will do,” Dante replies.

We work in silence for the next while, and I’m pleased to see the numbers at the stash-houses that Carlo is now overseeing have risen to where I want them. I make a mental note to do another spot check soon. Never hurts to keep people on their toes.