Page 35 of Little Mouse

I look over my shoulder at the bathroom door, hearing him moving around. I suppose it could be worse. Nico may be a man I should be avoiding like the plague, but so far, he has treated me well enough that I don’t think I have to fear him hurting me. I mean, even last night, after everything, he didn’t beat me, or force me to do anything. Well, other than forcing me to shower with him, but even then he surprised me.

I saw a side of him I didn’t think he had. The softer side that I doubt many know about. I saw such rage in his eyes when he asked me about the scars on my back. Or when I told him about the breaks I suffered under my brothers’ hands. There was a tenderness as well, and something moved inside me when he kissed the wrist that had been broken. It had been light and gentle, much like the kisses he gave me on my jaw.

Or when he brushed and braided my hair last night. It was the perfect time for him to hurt me, having me at his mercy, but instead, he gave me a peek at who he is underneath the mafia boss exterior. I reach back and feel the braid is still mostly in place, with a few strands having worked themselves out. Who knew a man as big and tough as him could do something that most would never even give a thought? Or label as a woman’s job?

“Let’s go,topolina,” he says, pulling me out of my musing. I turn and watch as he strides out of the bathroom, now wearing a dark gray suit, with a black dress shirt underneath the jacket, and a gold chain peeking from underneath the collar. His hair is styled, and he looks every inch the mafia boss he is. And even with the reminder, I can’t help but see how attractive he is.

I stand and follow him quietly, feeling even more confused. So much so that I barely even glance at the stairs when he leads me out of his wing and into the wing where my room sits. I need to get my head on straight. Remember who and what he is.

When we reach my room, he unlocks it and gestures for me to go in. “Get dressed,topolina, but don’t take too long.”

I head to the bathroom, and shut the door behind me. I half expect him to open it, but surprisingly, he allows me the privacy. I take care of business, brush my teeth, and wash my face. The routine of it is enough to settle me down, and I head into the walk-in closet, trying to figure out what to wear. Finally, I settle on a pair of black leggings and a soft white sleeveless tunic that hits me mid-thigh. I pair it with some flats and then unravel my braid to let it fall around my face and down my back in soft curls.

When I walk out, I find Nico in the sitting area, looking at his phone. When he hears me emerge, he looks up. His eyes heat as he takes me in, and slowly he stands, approaching me. “Beautiful,” he murmurs when he stops in front of me. “Though I have to say, I’m disappointed you didn’t find another onesie to wear. Perhaps a fox this time, huh? Wily and clever.”

I look up at him in surprise. Did he just tease me? What the hell is happening? “I’m afraid that whoever bought the clothes didn’t include any more,” I manage to reply as calmly as I can.

“Shall we?” Then we head for the bedroom door. He doesn’t lock it behind him, which I assume means this is where he’ll be sending me after we’re done. We make our way down to the dining room, which is set and ready for us when we walk in. Though, I’m surprised to find Dante already seated. He doesn’t bat an eye when he sees me, just nods and greets us both. Nico takes his seat after pulling out my chair.

I narrow my eyes at him. What the hell is he trying to pull? Acting nice to me? Being all gentlemanly? I don’t trust it for a second. He smirks at me, clearly unfazed and turns to look at Dante. “Any news?” he asks him casually.

The door behind him opens, and in walks the woman from last night. She wheels in a small cart with some plates, and when her gaze meets mine, her face is blank, but her eyes say she’s disappointed I didn’t get away. Well, at least someone in this house is possibly on my side. I give her a small smile, a silent word of thanks, when she sets my breakfast in front of me. Interestingly, she serves me first, then Dante, and finally Nico. Nico gives her a narrowed-eyed glare, which she ignores. I’m not sure if she’s brave, or stupid. Dante lets out a low chuckle and grins when Nico glares at him. “What did you expect to happen?” he says to his boss.

“I expect her to remember who signs her paycheck,” Nico gripes, glaring once again at the woman.

“Well, I’m sure you can understand why I like these two a little more,” she tosses back with a shrug. “They’re far prettier than you, after all.”

My eyes widen at her words. What the hell? If anyone spoke to my father or brothers that way, they would be dead. Or wish they were before they were finished.

“Sofia,” Dante sighs. Ah, so that’s her name.

“What?” Sofia asks innocently. “She’s gorgeous, and I have to say you’re much more handsome than he is, or you’ll get all butt hurt, and I have things to do today other than dealing with your jealous ass.”

Wait, Dante and Sofia are in a relationship? I glance at the other man, and then back at Sofia. Dante looks amused but also exasperated, and there’s a wicked gleam in their eyes that can only speak of familiarity beyond colleagues. I look at Nico, who doesn’t look surprised by this, so I have to say he knows.

“You’re looking to get your ass reddened, woman,” Dante warns her.

Sofia grins wickedly. “Promise?” she breathes seductively, moving around the table to stand close to him.

“Enough of that,” Nico orders, irritation in his tone. “Keep your weird-ass foreplay to yourselves when you’re on the damn clock.” He starts to eat, and then turns his attention to me, arching a brow when he sees I’m not doing the same. “Problem with the food,topolina?”.

I blink, and look down at it. It’s a mixture of eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fruit. “Ah, no,” I say softly, quickly grabbing my fork.

“If you don’t like anything, just let me know, honey,” Sofia says, pulling my attention. “Chef can whip pretty much anything up you like.”

“Oh, no, this is delicious,” I tell her softly, giving her a shy smile. “Please give my compliments to them. All the meals I’ve had so far have been wonderful.”

Sofia nods, pleased. “I will.” She looks at Nico and arches a brow. “Anything else for you, oh great leader? Perhaps you’d like me to scrub and polish the silverware as well?”

I bite back a laugh. And Nico called me sassy this morning. This woman has it in spades.

Nico glares at her. “No,” he bites out. Sofia grins at him, winks at me, and blows Dante a kiss before she pushes the cart out of the room. Once she’s gone, Nico glares at Dante. “You need to have better taste in women.”

“Perhaps, but she certainly is a lot of fun,” Dante chuckles, eating his own food. Nico grumbles under his breath, and I can’t help but smirk. “And how are you this morning, Ms. De Luca?” Dante asks me. His eyes hold a glint of humor. “I hope after your adventure last night you got a pleasant sleep.”

I try not to blush, but I know it’s a losing battle. “It was fine,” I say, avoiding his gaze.

“Which reminds me.” Nico calls out for Sofia again, who saunters back in momentarily. As soon as she stops close to him, he levels her with a hard glare. “Care to explain to me why you didn’t alert me to the fact that Gia was dressed as a maid?” he asks darkly.