Page 34 of Little Mouse

I clench my jaw and glare at him, making his smirk stretch to a grin full of smug amusement. “You know exactly what the problem is,” I grit out. “Now get your hand off my ass and let me get up.”

“It’s a very nice ass,” he points out conversationally as he cups it tighter, and I can’t stop the small gasp that escapes. “At one point last night before you decided to turn around and burrow into me, it cradled my cock so fucking perfectly it was torture to even sleep. Though, a sleepless night with you here is worth it if I get to have this against me.” He gives my ass another squeeze to punctuate his statement.

“I-I didn’t know what I was doing,” I manage to get out. “I was sleeping. You shouldn’t have taken advantage of that.”

“And yet, you were the one to turn to me,cara mia.” He winks at me. “Don’t worry, we can keep it our little secret.”

This man is going to drive me insane. “There is no secret. Now, let me go. I’ve done what you asked and slept with you, and now I’d like to go back to my room, please.”

“You can go back to your room after we have breakfast,” he replies firmly.

I want to argue, but my stomach growls, and I have to fight back the embarrassment. So I give him a stiff nod, which makes him chuckle. “I need to go to my room and change. Unless you want me to walk around in nothing but a t-shirt and some boxers.”

His eyes heat as he leans back to take me in. “Mmm, as much as I love you wearing my clothes,topolina, I don’t like the idea of another man seeing what’s mine. So we’ll make a stop at your bedroom for you to get dressed. But first…” I don’t know what to expect as he trails off, but when his hand slides from my ass up to cup the back of my head, I still. He leans down and murmurs, “I want a kiss, Gia.”

A kiss? He wants me tokisshim. I don’t move, just stare at him. Nerves build in my belly. I know I told him I wouldn’t fight him, but I was really hoping I would have some more time to get used to the idea of doing anything physical with this man. Especially considering I’ve never kissed anyone. Hell, I’ve never doneanythingwith a man. “I, uh, I, umm, I don’t…” I stammer out, completely unsure what to do or say.

He just regards me patiently. “It’s a kiss, Gia. I’m not asking for anything more…Yet.” He lets that hang between us.

“Oh, sure, that’s going to make me want to kiss you,” I mutter sarcastically. I let out a surprised yelp when he gives my ass a quick slap. It’s not painful, more just a shock, and a slight sting. “What the hell was that for?” I demand.

“That is for being sassy,” he responds calmly. “Now, I’m not going to ask you again, Gia. I want a taste of your lips, and the longer you stall, the longer you’re going to be waiting for breakfast.”

I want to point out that I’m not a child he can spank when he doesn’t like what I’ve said, but I bite my tongue. Instead, I purse my lips and press a quick, chaste kiss to his lips. “Happy now?” I huff, trying to pull away.

His grip tightens, and I bite back a growl of annoyance. “You call that a kiss,topolina?” he demands.

“You said a kiss, you didn’t specify what kind,” I argue.

He narrows his eyes at me. “You know exactly what kind of kiss I want. Now, stop stalling.”

I glare at him, incensed, embarrassed, and desperate to end this whole encounter. “You really expect me to want to kiss you after everything?”

“At the moment, I do not care what you want, Giulia,” he says, his tone hard. “You agreed to be mine, and you knew exactly what that meant.”

“Stop throwing that in my face. Yes, I know what I agreed to, but that doesn’t mean I have to be okay with it. Or not be terrified of what that means. Or do you not remember how much I don’t know about men, other than what my family has taught me? So please excuse me if I’m not jumping for joy at the thought of being in your bed and doing all the things you want when all I know about it is how much it’s going to hurt, or that I have no experience at all. Fuck, I’m twenty-four and I’ve never kissed a man, and you seriously think I’m going to pop that cherry and just figure out how to do it like you want?”

He says nothing at my words, just watches me. But then, before I can figure out what the hell he’s going to do, he leans down and presses his mouth gently against the line of my jaw, just past my mouth. I’m too shocked to do anything but lay there, trying to understand the emotions and sensations moving through me. The feel of his lips on my skin is pleasant, and my skin tingles as he continues to make his way along my jawline, past my mouth, and starts on the other side, moving my head to get better access.

Shivers work through my body, my hands come up to rest on his chest, and my eyes close. “You are right,topolina,” he murmurs against my skin. “I am expecting things from you that you don’t know. And you have no idea how much it pleases me that I will be your first. The first to touch your smooth skin; the first to taste your pretty lips; and the first to show you all the ways I can make you beg me for more, and cry out my name so loudly that the entire house hears you. Because I will be your first and your last, Giulia.” Then his mouth moves and is on mine before I can reply.

At first, I don’t move as he kisses me. But slowly, I open up, trying to copy his movements. I know I’m awkward and completely unskilled, but he’s patient and shows me what to do, and before long, I’m falling into him, completely unable to focus on anything else but his mouth on mine.

When he finally pulls away, I open my eyes and stare up at him. His eyes are dark, burning with desire, and I don’t argue when he growls, “again,” and takes my mouth. This time, I know what to do, and meet him head on, drowning in the sensation. He tastes of darkness, danger, but also something tempting and sweet. Something I didn’t know existed before now.

When his tongue sweeps along my lower lip, I instinctively open wider, letting him inside. I should probably worry about morning breath, but the only thing I can focus on is him, and the way he’s now dominating our kiss. I curl my fingers into his chest, trying to hold on to something to ground myself. I gasp when his erection jerks against my center, and feel a pooling between my legs and a burning heat through my entire body. I should be terrified, because even with my almost zero experience I know exactly where this could lead, but instead, I press against him tighter, wanting more of that sensation.

He growls low in his throat before he suddenly yanks his mouth away from mine, and rasps, “Fuck. I knew you would taste so fucking good,topolina.” He presses one more hard kiss to my mouth, and then pulls away. “But as much as I would love to show you more, I have things to see to. Otherwise, I would continue your education, but it will have to wait.” He gives my ass a quick slap and then starts to pull away.

I quickly move my hands away from him, my face flaming as I roll away, and quickly get out of bed. Now that I’m further away from him, I have to try and mask my embarrassment. God, what the hell was I thinking?

“None of that,topolina,” he warns me, making me look over at him as he heads for the bathroom. And there is no way I can miss the tent in his sleep pants either. I quickly lift my eyes away and back to face, where he gives me a smug look. He knows exactly what I was looking at. But thankfully, he doesn’t comment. “I’ll get dressed and then we’ll go to your room.”

I nod, and sit nervously on the bed to wait. Silently, I curse myself.

What the hell, Gia? You basically just gave him all the permission he needs. Now he’s going to expect more.

There’s no point instressing about it now. It’s done, and I just need to make sure it doesn’t happen again. I cannot let him have the upper hand. I need to bide my time until I can leave. Or at least convince him to let me go and give me the freedom I want. Away from him, my father, my brothers, and anyone else looking to use me for gain.