Page 39 of This Is On You

“Which magazine?” I tell him the name. “That’s not a tabloid at least.”

“Yeah, which only makes it worse because it’s reputable.”

“Well if you don’t find anything you could offer them an interview with the two of us.” He shrugs like that’s no big deal and goes back to looking at his clothes, butit isa big deal. Harrison doesn’t do interviews, especially of the personal variety. I’m still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor while he rifles through the million options in front of him. When he chooses one and starts to put briefs on, I finally unfreeze.


“You heard me.” But he’s still not looking at me.

“Harrison.” I grab his arm to stop his movements. “You don’t have to do that. It’s not part of our deal—”

“Our ‘deal’” he quotes in that seriously cute way, “is null and void as far as I’m concerned.” The set of his jaw tells me he means business and he’s not going to accept less than my complete compliance. It’s seriously hot and distracting, but I power through.

“I know, but—”

“No buts, Tris. You’re my boyfriend.” He tilts his chin up. “That means I’ll do things like this for you, and it won’t be so you owe me one. It’s to help you out because I can. And you’ll let me.” He turns as if the conversation is done with and I’m about to demand we leave the bedroom but then I stop and think about it.

I get what he’s saying, and I’d do the same for him if the roles were reversed. I sigh and hug him from behind before he puts on his crisp white shirt. “Thank you,” I murmur next to his ear and kiss his jaw. “I’m sure Zoe and I can come up with something else but thank you.”

“You’re welcome, baby. Now choose whatever you want to wear, we both have a lot of work ahead of us today and you can’t be wearing yesterday’s clothes.”

We’re in the car again, Harrison is taking me to my office building before going to his when he brings up the afternoon again.

“I know you have a lot of work today, but if you manage to be done with everything tonight, how about we go have an actual date? Just for us, not for the cameras or the board—which I’ll hopefully have dealt with by then.”

“I’d love that. I can’t promise you I’ll be able to, but I’ll call you as soon as I’m done today, okay?”

“Thanks, baby.” He kisses me softly, then kisses me again before I can open the door when we get to my office.

I’m on cloud nine the whole way to my desk, but once I get there, it’s go time. I have a great incentive—besides helping Wolf—to be done with this mess before dinner.

* * *

“You knowthis could blow up in our faces, right? What if people don’t stop hounding him after the interview?”

“I know it’s a possibility,” I reply easily as Zoe and I sip our drinks after finding a solution to our problem. Well, we didn’t find it, Hawk did. “But I doubt it’ll happen. We’ve known this is something everyone has been wanting from them for years, and Hawk deciding to do it now and on his own—even if it’s to protect Wolf’s… condition—is the only way this was going to happen. Also I—I have a hunch.”

“You and your hunches.” She rolls her eyes at me then takes a larger sip. “Well, I hope it works out. For them and us.”

“Me, too.” My cellphone buzzes on the armrest of the chair I’m sitting on, and I see it’s the text back I’ve been waiting for.

“That him?” she asks.

“Yup, he’ll be here in fifteen minutes.” I can’t stop the big-ass grin from stretching my cheeks. I think I’m starting to get muscle-fatigue from all the damn smiling.

“You know, I’m still waiting for you to thank me. Maybe with a yacht now that you’re with a billionaire.” She snorts as I take my turn to roll my eyes at her.

“You’ll be waiting forever.”

Zoe got here minutes after I did this morning and we both holed up in my office to try and figure this shit out. In the end, we didn’t have a solution ready by the time Cindy woke up, and we had to tell Hawk what the press was about to publish regarding his brother.

He had a solution ready for us in minutes, and after we tried to talk him out of it for an hour without success, we relented and offered up the exclusive interview of a lifetime with Hawk.

When it was all done and I realized it was only five o’clock, I immediately texted Harrison to let him know I was up for our date. So without delaying it any further, I stand and start to shut everything down. With any luck, I won’t be back here until after New Year’s.

“You’re ordering a car, right?” I ask Zoe as we descend to the lobby.

“Yeah, it should be here any minute.”