Page 40 of This Is On You

“I’ll wait with you.”

“Thanks.” She smiles tenderly at me and gives me a half hug.

We stand just inside the doors until I see Harrison’s black sedan stop in front of the building. “Let me call him to let him know I’m waiting with you for a few more minutes.”

I make the call.

“Hey, Tris. We just pulled up.”

“Yeah, I know, we’re down at the lobby already, I want to wait for Zoe’s car to get here, should be a few more minutes.”

“Why don’t you both get in here where it’s warm and we’ll all wait.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I tell Zoe and we brave the cold wind and the sparse snowflakes for the ten feet we have to walk to get into the car.

“Hello, Zoe.”

“Harrison,” she says, uncharacteristically serious. “Lovely to see you again.

“I imagine it’s not a surprise, and that we’ll see each other a lot more from now on.”

“Oh, really?” she arches an eyebrow at him, and I see a steady confidence in Harrison’s gaze as it locks with my sister’s.

“Really,” he says simply.

Zoe’s between us so I can’t greet Harrison as I’d like to, but I’ll kiss his perfect face soon enough.

“We can drive you home, you know?” Harrison says after a beat of silence.

“That’s not necessary. I’m going all the way back to Brooklyn and I imagine you guys are staying in Manhattan.”

“That’s the plan.”

“So how did the crisis-solving go today?” he asks, leaning over to look at me, and I could seriously get addicted to how his eyes soften when he sees me.

“It was stressful, but we got it done in the end and that’s all that matters for now.”

“Yeah,” Zoe adds. “And hopefully they’ll leave us alone until the new year. Oh, my car is here.” I step out to let her walk to her car and can barely hear the slight threat she mutters at Harrison. I don’t mind it, but I don’t want her to make a habit of being frosty to my new boyfriend. I tell her so when she’s standing next to me.

“Well, let’s hope he doesn’t give me any reasons to be frosty with him and I won’t.” She shrugs and walks back to the car parked behind the sedan without a backward glance.

I get my brief-melting kiss once I’m back inside the car and don’t let Harrison come up for air until Matt is tapping my window for us to get out.

I realize where we are and smile. Of course Harrison would bring me to the most exclusive restaurant in the city. I smile and let myself enjoy being pampered. It’s not something I’ve experienced a lot in my life.

Wreck is famous for being gourmet without the tiny portions. It’s where the rich and famous go to have actual meals they enjoy with privacy. I’ve been here once before and wanted to come back ever since.

The host doesn’t even ask for a name, of course, he looks at Harrison, smiles, and with a professional tone, welcomes us. “We’re happy to have you here Mr. Crawford and Mr. Jones. Please follow me, your table is ready.” I appreciate that he included me, though I know for a fact it’s an act in my case.

I don’t doubt for a second he’s happy to have Harrison here. The restaurant is decorated for Christmas, but tastefully. Not over the top at all, only some red and green details here and there and Holly decorates the centerpieces and the windows looking out at the New York skyline.

He leads us to a window table, of course, and hands us menus after we’re seated.

“So, tell me,” I demand. “I want to know what happened with the board.”

“It was fun, I’ll admit that.” The mischievous and self-satisfied grin he throws my way tells me just how much fun. “They opened the meeting with a motion to remove me as CEO because I ignored and went directly against theirsuggestionsfrom last week. Then they said it was an embarrassment to the company, blah, blah, blah. So finally, when they were done, I got up and opened a motion to remove them from the board.” His smile widens, so I know the scene must’ve been petty as hell. “Anyway,” he continues, looking down at the menu in his hand and placing the other on my thigh. “They’re gone now, and that’s it.”