Page 15 of This Is On You

“Nan’s the one who taught Dad how to dance. They’re awesome.”

And theyareamazing. Harrison leads the steps way faster than he did with me or Iris, doing a lot more spins and generally looking like he owns the dance floor that has a handful of couples on it now.

I think they could dance to about every song in the world, but it seems fitting when the band starts playing a ballroom version of Iris, by the Goo Goo Dolls.

The Iris next to me lets out a happy chuckle and I can see both her and Theo look at their father and grandmother with obvious love in their eyes.

This family is nothing like what the world and the media think. The image of the cold, detached Crawfords is nothing like what’s in front of me.

I look back to see Harrison has slowed their movements to keep up with the song’s rhythm and he lays his cheek on his mother’s head, looking more like a little boy than the grown man he is. He’s mouthing the words to the song as Nan smiles softly and runs her fingers through his hair. She’s taller than she was earlier—I’d guess five feet five—because of her heels, so she has no issues reaching his head.

They only let go once the song ends. Harrison escorts her back to the table. He kisses her cheek when they reach us, then his daughter’s. “Please be safe,” I hear him tell Iris while looking down at her with a serious expression. I don’t know exactly why, but the look has a knot forming in my throat. There’s fear in his eyes. Why?

Nan places a hand on my arm, stealing my attention away from Harrison’s mood-change.

I hug her goodbye and when they leave, Theo stands and offers his hand to Harrison. “My turn?” he asks.

Harrison only smiles and takes him back to the dance floor where people are now dancing to a slowed-down version of It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas.

Mike tells me he’s going to the bathroom, and I let my eyes roam as I take in the room. I’ve been hyper-focused on Harrison the whole time we’ve been here, and I realize they went all out with the Christmas theme.

I mean, it’s called the Annual ARY Christmas Ball, so I suppose that’s to be expected. There’s garland with bright silver ornaments in the centerpieces, a few decked-out Christmas trees in the corners of the room, and fake snow lining the ceiling.

“You okay?” Mike asks, once he’s back.

“Yeah.” I look up at him standing beside my chair. I have to crane my neck to meet his gaze, he really is a giant.

“I think we’re leaving right after they finish, Theo’s not much for crowds.” He turns his head to look at his boyfriend and the crease of worry in his forehead doesn’t disappear.

“Okay, I have no idea if Harrison wants to stay longer or not.”

“You can ask him now,” he says without looking away from me.

“Thanks you for the dance,” Harrison says once he’s next to us again and hugs Theo close.

“What are you guys talking about?” Theo asks me and Mike, but he doesn’t take his eyes away from his boyfriend.

“How much longer we’re going to stay.” I answer without thinking because seeing Harrison be such a loving father hazed my mind for a second.

“Oh, well. If you want to leave already.” I see a glint of humor in Harrison’s eyes. Does he know how desperate I am for him to make good on his threat to take me to bed?

Do I care if he does?

No, I don’t think I do.

I don’t want his son to know, though. Some things, children shouldn’t even think about when it comes to their parents.

“I think I’m all partied out,” I settle on. I think it’s diplomatic enough, while it’s also a clear way of telling Harrison that yes, I want him to take me tonight. “I don’t know if there are any more people you need to talk to though.”

“No. There aren’t.”

“You don’t want to talk to the board members who are here?” I ask to make sure. This whole show was for them, after all.

“Nah,” he waves a hand carelessly. “I think we’ve made our point. Who knows what they’ll say tomorrow? I mean, they’ll probably call a board meeting to complain about it, so it’ll be dealt with soon enough.”

I nod and stand. Harrison makes the call to Connor and Matt while we make our way to the entrance, and when we get there, we don’t step out. When Connor calls back, saying he’s pulling up, both Mike and Theo give us hugs and tell us they’ll see us on Sunday for the Kings game. I have no idea if I’ll be there, but they seem to think I will.

And now that I think about it, it’s obvious Ishouldbe there. The cameras in the stadium always show Harrison on the big Jumbotron and the broadcast. He’s a ticket seller all on his own, so every person who doesn’t see our picture from tonight will see us cuddled up in the owner's box on Sunday.