Page 14 of This Is On You

I sit on the chair Harrison pulls out for me, trying not to fall on my ass with how hard I’m swooning, and try to remind myself this is still Harrison fucking Crawford. Even though he clearly wants to fuck me, there’s no way he wants me for more.

There’s just not.

“You looked great out there,” Harrison’s mother tells me with a knowing smile. I blush furiously, like I said, no way of controlling my body to stop it from reacting to such strong feelings.

“That’s good,” I tell her and smile, pretending I’m not so obviously embarrassed.

“Everyone was watching you guys.” Theo scoots from his chair to the one next to me, and Mike, looking at his boyfriend like a lost puppy when he moves away, scoots himself, and his once-again full plate, to the one Theo was on. Theo pats Mike’s thigh without looking like he knew Mike would follow him.

What must that feel like?

Knowing someone so well you anticipate every one of their movements. Knowing how they’ll react. They’ve been together for less than a year as far as I—and the world—know, but maybe they’ve been together longer. I have that—kind of—with Zoe, but their connection looks more intimate, deeper than just knowing someone really well.

“It was a good idea to go out there when no one else was dancing.” I nod. “Your father knows how to get people’s attention.”

Theo smirks.

“You know, I’ve seen my son go through all sorts of things, and some of those made his light dim a bit. He’s always been a wild one, my Harry, and I can honestly tell you, seeing him have so much fun with this is a true pleasure,” Harrison’s mother pipes in.

“I’m glad he’s not miserable during this, ma’am.” What else can I say? Iamglad he’s not petulant like some of my clients are sometimes when they have to do something they don’t want to keep their careers alive.

“Oh, please call me Nan. Ma’am makes me uncomfortable and calling me Iris is just confusing with the little one.”

“Thank you, Nan.” She smiles at me, satisfied.

“I think Harry has changed his mind about all the damn family names after all these years. We still get confused when we talk about my late husband.” She chuckles. “Theo always thinks we’re talking about him.”

I turn to the man in question and see him roll his eyes. “It’s ridiculous to keep circling these two names over and over. And he could’ve made Iris my sister’s middle name easily.”

“So you don’t like Harrison Theodore if we have a son?” Mike asks and my mouth drops open. He notices and laughs at my expression. “We’re not pregnant, don’t worry.”

“Not yet,” Nan says firmly. “But you will be giving me great grand babies or there will be hell to pay, you hear me, young man?”

“I know, Nan.” Mike nods earnestly but with a slight smile on his face. His cheeks seem to be permanently lifted from what I’ve seen.

“Anyway, no. If we have a son, we won’t be naming him Harrison Theodore or any variation. We’ll come up with something new.”

“And so will I,” Iris says from behind me.

“Yeah, I think there have been enough of us,” Harrison says, placing both hands on his son’s shoulders and looking down at him fondly. Then he looks back up at Iris. “I’m going to get my dance with Ma, then you can leave and go to the party.”

“Really?” her shoulders lift with her smile and she bounces a little.

“Yes. You know the rules.”

“I do.”

“Repeat them back to me.”

“I have my watch, my phone, my Air Tag, and my necklace. If I lose one, I’ll let Zeke know immediately. I’ll be home by twelve. No drinking, no drugs, no sex, no police. No leaving the party without Zeke,” she lists in a robotic voice, and damn, that’s a great list of rules for a teenager.

“And you’ll wear something appropriate,” Harrison presses.

“Yeah, Dad. I’m changing into some jeans. Jeez.” She rolls her eyes as she swipes her hand over the dark green silk skirt of her long dress.

“Then I’ll leave with you after I get my dance,” Nan tells Iris as she stands and takes her son’s hand, dragging him to the dance floor.

“You gotta see this,” Theo tells me.