Page 42 of Pretty Dogs

Henips at the sore spot where his teeth marked me. “Fastor slow?”

Ina burst of frustration,Islam my elbow into his ribs, but it’s like hitting a rock wall.Hespins me around to face him and grabs both my wrists, pinning them against the tree.Mycock presses right against the swell of his erection, andIstiffen as he grins.Hisforehead bumps against mine, andIdon’t recognize these wild, dark eyes an inch from mine. “Fastor slow?” he repeats.

Mymouth is so dryIhave to swallow to make my tongue work. “F-fast.”

“Where?” he asks relentlessly.

“Onmy…”Iclose my eyes with a whimper, pressing my lips together.

Grippingmy wrists hard enough to bruise, he noses up under my jaw and licks the line of my throat as he rubs the hot curve of his bulge against my cock, through thin layers of fabric. “Where, pretty boy?”

“Onmy face in the dirt,”Iwhisper.

“That’sright.Likea good little rabbit.”Istare at him, frozen, as he frees my wrists and presses two fingers to my lips. “Thisis how bad you want it,” he murmurs.WhenItry to twist my face away, he catches my chin firmly. “Comeon.”

Breathinghard through my nose,Ilet his big fingers into my mouth, slick with the sharp, musky taste of my own precum.Asa trans man,I’velived a life of dissociation from every aspect of my body.Theintimacy of tasting myself for the first time is like an electric shock.

Ibite him hard enough to earn a genuine yelp of pain as he pulls back in surprise.Myinstincts scream at me to kick him straight in the nuts, butI’mnot that cruel.Ijam the heel of my sneaker into his stomach instead.Fora chaotic second,Igain the upper hand.Itear away as fast asIpossibly can, even thoughIcan’t see a damn thing beyond vague shapes.

Asharp, animal howl sounds behind me.Lessthan twenty seconds afterItaste freedom,Becktakes me down in a full-on tackle.Hetwists in the air so that his shoulder hits the ground first, taking the weight of our bodies.Thecollision breaks his hold around my waist for a second, but asIscramble away his hand snags my ankle and jerks me backward.

Witha scream of raw frustration,Ithrash and kick at his dark shape as he yanks my shorts and underwear down in one go.Ihear something tear, and thenI’mcompletely naked on the rough ground except for my shoes.Heflips me over easily and pushes my face into the dirt with my ass in the air and my knees spread.Nightair stirs against my exposed cock and hole, but there’s no way to cover myself with his body weight pinning me down.

“I’mgonna rut you into the ground, rabbit,” he murmurs.Theman still sounds relaxed, like he’s barely trying. “Butyou can choose–take it dry, with nothing on your dick, or earn something better.

“Whatdo you want?”Isnarl into the rocks pressing against my cheek. “WhatdoIhave to do?”Myarousal is burning so hotIcan’t distinguish it from fury.Idon’t know which is worse–the knowledge thatIcan’t fight unless he lets me, or the realization that my body no longer wants to fight.

Hisfingers curl tight in my hair, andIhear the sound of his shorts being unzipped. “Turnaround.”

“Fuckno.”Idig my fingernails into his wrist, but he just tightens his grip on my hair and drags me upright.Evendrowning in adrenaline,Ican feelBeckcarefully walking the line of causing enough pain to satisfy both of us without actually hurting me.Andnothing in the world could make him cross that line.

Iturn around to see his shorts open, with his thick cockhead just showing over the waistband of his boxers. “Wait,”Iprotest, twisting out of his grip. “Letgo.I’lldo it myself.”

Hiseyes take apart every detail of my naked body. “Good.”

Myhands feel bruised and shaky asIreach out and hook my fingers in his boxers.Ipull them down and his cock springs free, hard and intimidating, with precum glistening on the head.Thefirst cockI’veever seen in real life. “Idon’t know how,”Iwhisper, caught halfway between the game and reality.IfIslip out of the headspace now,Idon’t thinkI’llbe able to get it back.

“Lookat me,” he orders, sharply enough to jerk my gaze to his. “Doit like you lick your ice cream cones–slow and sweet, all the way around.Showme how bad you want to be fucked.”

Faceburning,Idrop down on my knees and elbows and press my mouth to the tip of his cock.Partingmy lips to let it in,Idrag my tongue across the slick.

Ashocked, vulnerable sound bursts out of him, not a predator but just a boy who felt the person he loves lick his cock for the first time.Itstartles me so much thatItense up with his head in my mouth, leaking on my tongue.

Aftera moment, he recovers and slaps my flank lightly. “Comeon.Ihave hours to make you do this, if you don’t try.”Awarning hand cups the back of my neck to keep me from pulling off.

Ionly have an inch, but it already feels utterly, impossibly huge.Whimperingaround him,Itug back against his hand just soIcan have the security of feeling him tighten his hold.It’stoo thick now for me to lick; allIcan do is stretch my jaw and try not to bite it.

“You’realright,” he growls softly. “Suckit.”

Iobey as bestIcan, utterly stripped down and subdued, and he strokes his fingers down my spine.Whenhe slips into my crack and touches my hole,Ijolt deeper onto his cock with a groan.Mywhole body starts to warm up and soften, all my fight turning into a pathetic need to come.Ihaven’t orgasmed since beforeBeckalmost got shot, something my very active libido does not appreciate.

Beck’shand leaves my ass just as his cockhead starts to prod the back of my throat, andIgrunt in frustration.Helaughs, sounding pleased. “Youmade it sound like you were gonna be a challenge, but you’re not a rabbit.You’rea little kitten that purrs when someone plays with you.”

I’mabout to pull off and ask how much of a challengeI’dbe ifIbit his dick in half, but suddenly his finger’s back, slick with lube.He’scareful but not slow, working in one knuckle, then another, circling and stretching.Mycock aches asIswallow around his erection and try to bob my head, like they do in porn.Thepressure in my ass tightens asIstart to feel lightheaded.Ithurts a little as he scissors two fingers, but that’s exactly how it should be–the wolf subdued its prey, and nowItrade my pain for his pleasure.

JustwhenIstart to feel delirious, he pulls his fingers out and slides me off his cock.Itjuts out obscenely, hard and wet, with strings of my drool trailing from it.

Allhe says is one word. “Run.”