Page 41 of Pretty Dogs

“I’llbreakyournose,”Imumble, clunking my water glass down in the sink.Hejust smiles with a promise that sends a chill down my spine.

WhenIstep past him and grab the handle on the screen door, he catches my arm firmly and pulls me to a stop. “Hey.”Igasp with a small, needy sound when he leans in and kisses me hard. “Ilove you so much,” he murmurs, his forehead against mine. “Promiseme you’ll say the safe word if you’re not okay.”

“Iwill.”Ibrush my thumb along his stubbled cheek, feeling him lean into my touch. “Youtoo.I’mnot the only person who can use it.”

Insteadof saying goodbye,Ijust catch his hand in mine and kiss his scarred knuckles.ThenI’moutside, with gravel crunching under my sneakers and my lungs full of crisp night air.Itmakes sense to head for the river, towardTheoandCalvin’sold camp.Iknow the area better, and the sound of the river will mask my movements.It’sa safe, obvious plan.Butthat’s not good enough–tonight,IwantBeckto fucking work for his orgasm, harder than he’s ever worked in his life.

Switchingon the flashlight,Iturn away from the river and glance back at the house.Beck’ssilhouette has disappeared from the kitchen window.Hecould be anywhere, doing anything.Thefirst prickle of fear trails down my spine and seeps into my body like a drug, until my skin is on fire.

Asphaltslaps against my feet asIrun across the empty road.Itfeels like the only sound in the world, untilIhop the irrigation ditch and strike out between two fields of sugar beets.Thenight creeps in to surround me, just like my dream: crickets, the hoot of an owl, my panting breaths.

It’stoo exposed out here;Ineed cover.Rememberinga grove of mature oak and maple trees about half a mile away,Itake off in their general direction at a steady jog.I’mnot exactly fit, soIhave to stop every few hundred yards to catch my breath and listen forBeck.Absolutelynothing.Insome ways, that scares me more than the sound of pursuit.He’scoming, right?Thisisn’t some kind of elaborate prank?

Wipingmy face off on my t-shirt,Istart running again.ThelongerIwatch the flashlight beam bobbing around, announcing my location, the moreIwonder if it was a trick.WhenIswitch it off, the darkness rushes in so fast that the world becomes nothing but black cut through with even blacker shapes.I’llbreak my neck ifIrun like this.Shiveringat the feeling of eyes on my back,Iswitch the light on again and try to cover up the hot glass with my fingers to cut the brightness.

Bythe timeIstagger up to the first huge oak tree and rest my hand on the rough bark,I’mgenuinely freaking out.Beckcould be anywhere–in front of me, behind me, back in the house jacking off to the thought of me scared and alone out here.

Iswitch off the light, then lean back against the trunk to think.Softbark scrapes along my bare, sweaty skin asIshiver and gasp.Mylegs ache with the knowledge thatIcan’t stop, no matter how tiredIget.It’sonly a matter of time until they give out, leaving me to be caught and played with and fucked.

Bitingback a whimper,Islide one hand down the front of my shorts and tease my cock through my underwear.It’salready erect and so fucking sensitive.EventhoughIneed to run,Ican’t stop myself from spreading my thighs and rubbing it harder, arching my back against the tree.Ifthe man hunting me saw this,I’dbe in so much trouble.

Atwig snaps heavily in the trees.Iyank my hand out of my shorts and crouch down.Mymouth goes dry when the sound solidifies into steady footsteps that sound like they’re coming from every direction at once.Whatif it’s notBeckat all?Whatif a stranger comes across a defenseless, horny boy in the forest?Rightnow, that thought just makes me even hotter.

Thesliver of new moon overhead can’t filter through the trees.IfIwant to find a path,I’llhave to use the light even though there’s someone nearby.Slidingmy fingers up the chilly metal,Iflick the switch and swipe the beam over the forest as quickly asIcan before fumbling it off again.Ikeep in a half crouch and head for the safest-looking gap in the trees, focusing on speed over silence.Thefootsteps are still out there, sporadic and disorienting, like he’s playing with me.

Theair around me opens up suddenly, andIfind myself staring at the starry sky.Imust have stumbled into a clearing.Searchingfor signs of movement,Ilook over my shoulder at the trees.

WhenIturn back around,Beckis standing about ten feet away from me, shirtless and oh so patient with his hands in his pockets.He’snot even breathing hard.Hesmiles, teeth flashing in the dark. “Hey, little rabbit.Yousound tired.”

Myheart climbs up into my throat.Earlier,Iwondered if this game would even work when the hunter is my best friend and safe space.Rightnow,Ibarely recognize him.He’sall danger, and every neuron in my prey brain screams at me to run.Beforeit’s too late.

Iglance around the clearing.Tomy left,Ican make out a snarl of tree limbs, fallen trunks, and tall grass that might be able to hide me, ifIcan get there fast enough.JustlikeIlearned from movies,Ilook in the opposite directionI’mgoing to run before throwing my body toward the nearest log.

Beckcatches me so fast it’s like he’s reading my thoughts beforeIeven have them.Hecrashes into me and shoves me face first against a gnarled tree trunk that jabs into my ribs and leaves me winded.Anarm across my shoulder blades pins me in place as his breath tickles the back of my neck.Ialways knewBeckwas strong, butIhad no idea how much he holds back.It’sthe overwhelming kind of power that makes you realize you’re nothing, that humiliates you and turns you on at the same time.

Igrab a fistful of my shorts, so he can’t pull them down, and try to kick his legs out from under him.Mysneaker bounces pointlessly off his shin.Witha low chuckle, he shoves a knee up between my thighs like a warning.Hishands are everywhere at once as he manhandles me so quicklyIcan’t react.Insteadof going for my pants, he yanks my shirt off over my head.Igrab at the soft cotton with a yelp of panic, but he tosses it away as the breeze wraps around my bare skin.Thetussle knocks my beanie off, and my bun starts to unravel.

Ourskin slides together asBeck’shard body presses mine tighter against the tree.Ican feel his thick erection nudging against my ass.Myfingertips scrape and burn asIscrabble at the bark, trying to get space soIcan find my footing.Hardfingers work through my hair, tugging at the elastic band until the dark strands tumble loose around my shoulders.Beckplays with my hair all the time, but tonightIshudder as he brushes it to the side in a possessive, taunting gesture, baring the back of my beck.

“Mmmm.”It’sa half growl, half moan as he drags his tongue up my nape. “Better.”

“Fuckyou,”Igroan, throwing my weight backward.It’spointless; he’s so big.Asif to punish me, he grabs my wrists and pins them against the rough bark over my head with one hand. “No.”Istruggle with all my strength, but he just tightens his grip until it feels like my wrist is going to break.

Igo still, my face pressed into the tree asItwitch and shiver, trying to get control of my panicking rabbit brain for just a second.Hisfree hand slides down my spine to the back of my shorts, then dips underneath.Theskin of his fingertips feels rough against the softest parts of my body as he traces my ass cheeks, then the inside of my thigh.Fightinghis grip on my arms,Iinstinctively jerk my hips forward.ButIhave no idea ifI’mtrying to escape or rut against the tree for relief.

Hisknee pushes my thighs further apart, and his fingers slip free of my shorts.Fora second,Ithink he’s going to let me go, give me another chance.Icry out when he bites the back of my neck so hard it could have drawn blood and slides his hand down the front of my underwear.Ipull back, pressing harder against his erection, but he chases me down until his fingertips find my cock.Bothof us freeze for a second, then he growls low in his chest and starts to explore.Withoutany hint of uncertainty, he plays with the tip and probes relentlessly through the extra folds of skin so he can get at the full length.

“Ohfuck,”Iwhimper, pressing my forehead against the tree and squeezing my eyes shut.I’mvaguely aware that he let go of my hands, but allIcan do is dig my fingernails into the bark as my knees go weak.He’staunting me, showing me that even when he gives me a chance,I’mtoo much of a slut to run from something that feels this good.

Ashe rubs slow circles around the hot, damp head, he kisses the side of my neck, then my jaw, then the corner of my mouth, enjoying how helpless he’s made me.Hisarm slips around my neck and tightens, not enough to choke me but enough to make me think about it.

“You’realready wet and hard,” he says right in my ear. “Wereyou jacking off while you crawled through the forest?”Iclaw at his forearm, but he just tightens his hold. “Hey.Iasked you a question.”

“Yes,”Imumble thickly against the tree as he works his thumb and forefinger up and down my length. “Fuckyou.Yes.”

“Whatwere you thinking about?”Likehe can read my mind, he tightens his grip right whenIstart to struggle again.

I’msliding into a haze whereIlose the will to fight and my body begs for anything he wants to do. “Youwere fucking me,”Iforce out through clenched teeth.