Page 28 of Secrets and Kisses

So seeing me naked would help him culturally?

Worked for me.

“I bet you’ve got a list of questions you would like answers to.” That was definitely an easier subject to talk about because he was so perky he was nearly skipping as we walked through the fence gate and into the backyard.

“I do.” Nodding excitedly, he released my hand and went over to sit on the steps of the back deck like we were just going to be hanging out at a barbecue. “I’m working on rearranging them and doing a bit of editing to my list now that I have a better starting point.”

It was cute and wonderfully logical, so I nodded as I started taking off my shirt. “I think that’s a great start. We can work through them once you’re ready, and feel free to ask anything you’re curious about when we have enough privacy.”

As I put my shirt on the railing and kept going on my shoes, Stefan’s eyes got wider again…with desire and surprise. The clear sign that he thought I was attractive was appreciated more than he knew. I wasn’t a gym rat but I didn’t have a Dad bod yet either, so seeing what he thought of me made it easier.

He was too distracted to notice my own worries, though. “Thank you…I…you’ll tell me if we’re around people…I mean…what kind of people…”

His words trailed off to nothing as my pants joined my shirt on the railing. Since that didn’t seem to be changing anytime soon, I worked on answering what I thought he’d been trying to ask as my boxer briefs joined the rest of my clothes.

“In town, about seventy-five percent of the locals know about dragons and mages and all the interesting bits. But I’ll tell you if we’re around people that don’t know. When we’re outside of town, just assume no one knows anything unless you know for certain they’re not human.”

Nodding slowly as his eyes stayed glued to my, thankfully, only half-hard cock, he licked his lips. “That makes sense. I think I’m pretty good at being able to tell who’s who, but I’d like you to confirm it for me at some point. I don’t want to accidentally out the secret.”

He probably could’ve kept going, but as I took a few steps back, his brain quickly changed gears. “You can think in your other form. I don’t have anything to worry about. Dragons probably aren’t small. I’ll be just fine.”

Yep. That’d been what I was going to say, so I nodded. “There’s probably a book’s worth of information I should probably give you first, but the short of it is that I don’t have the same vocal cords, so don’t expect human words. I’m going to stay low to the ground so you can come up safely and get a better look at me. And I won’t hurt you.”

That got a more confident nod and he finally looked up from my dick. “Accidents happen when there are extensive size differences, but I know we’ll both be careful.”

“That’s right.” I loved the way he saw things. “Alright. Here we go.”

Letting the magic take over, I felt the shift happen almost instantaneously. I was still me as the world came back into focus, but Stefan looked quite a bit smaller as I settled low against the ground and tried to be as still as possible.

“That’s fascinating.” Stefan leaned so far forward, he nearly fell off the stairs.

It definitely gave him a mental push because as he righted himself, he stood and came closer. “You’re very long. I bet you have an impressive wingspan in order to get the lift required. Oh, you’re a dragon. I bet there’s magicandphysics involved.”

The encounter was nothing like I’d imagined it would be, no fears and noaww, look at the dragon…but I wasn’t going to complain because he was coming closer on his own and there didn’t seem to be a drop of fear in him.

No, he looked like he wanted to be making notes and was regretting he didn’t have any paper.

“I always theorized dragons would be dinosaurs or have a more birdlike appearance, but you look like a dragon.” He seemed pleased with that and if I’d been in my human form, I’d have laughed.

Stefan seemed to understand that, though, because he cocked his head as he reached out to touch my side. “I think you found that funny.”

Barely nodding so I didn’t frighten him had him sighing. “Yes, I can see why you probably think that’s adorable or something, but theoretical problems keep a mind active and happy.”

Yep, he was adorable.

“You’re very warm and your scales are softer than I’d expected. Oh, and pretty. I haven’t forgotten that part.” His rushed assurance that I was attractive had pleasure and pride going through me before I could hold it back.

“Yes, you liked that too.” Nearly giggling, Stefan slowly worked his way around my body, petting my wings and admiring how long I was again until he came around to my head. “Oh, I can see you in your expression. That’s fascinating. Maybe it’s your eyes? They don’t change much. Your personality, maybe? I wish I could explain it. There’s almost a weight to it.”

I wished he could explain it too.

Of course, I happened to think my dragon form and my human form looked very different, but it seemed that was wrong.

“You’re a very pretty dragon and your coloring…” He smiled, running his hands up the bridge of my nose and between my eyes. “Well, it’s very attractive and it’s given me so many more questions.”

Finally frowning, his mouth tightened before he sighed. “Would it be rude to bring a notebook with us so I can write down a few things while we head out for our date? You said we’d drive closer to the city, so we have time, but I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring you.”

Talking himself into it, he stood straighter. “Really, it would be questions and notes that directly pertain to you, so I think you should take it as a compliment.”