Page 29 of Secrets and Kisses

Laughter bubbled around inside of me, but I did my best not to let it out in my current form. Stefan must’ve seen it in my eyes, though, because he huffed like a cute little dragon and folded his arms across his chest. “It’s not that funny.”

Oh, it was.

I thought I needed to point that out too, so I closed my eyes and focused on my human form. His gasp and the way the world shifted around me had me opening my eyes and rising from where I’d ended up crouched on the ground. “Oh, it’s very funny.”

Kissing his cheek as he pouted, I couldn’t resist chuckling any longer. “It’s also cute and perfectly understandable, but the price for making notes and ignoring me is going to be a kiss later.”

He looked interested but appropriately skeptical. “You already kissed me.”

“Correct but this would beyoukissingme. That’s very different.” I shrugged like it couldn’t be helped. “That’s the price. Take it or leave it.”

Or safeword because my cheeky teasing had gone too far.


He was bouncing back and forth between pouting and squirming…and having a very hard time keeping eye contact with me, but by the time I was back to half-mast again, he nodded. “Yes…I…I think that’s fair.”

Curious subs were so much fun.

“Then let’s go have lunch.”

Because he wasn’t the only one with questions.

Chapter 9


Just one more…

Making a note to ask about the climate and geography of wherever they’d originated from, I finished and closed everything up neatly before setting the small spiral notebook and pen in the center console. “Done. Thank you for being so patient.”

Boyd closed out of the article he’d been reading and set his phone down on his lap. “You sure?”

It was tempting to keep going, but I nodded my head. “Yes, I’m content for the moment and I would like to get to know you more. Oh, and I promised to stop when we got to the restaurant.”

We were definitely at the restaurant, but I wasn’t sure I could’ve said when we’d gotten there. “And I think we’ve been here for a few minutes.”

Because I was hungry.

The way one side of his mouth turned up said I might’ve been underestimating the amount of time we’d been sitting in the parking lot.

“I enjoyed watching you work and seeing your excitement.” He must’ve thought I was doubting him because he chuckled and shook his head. “I was happy to wait while you made your list.”

Okay, so maybe I had been a tiny bit doubtful.

Most men I’d dated, seriously or casually, wouldn’t have wanted to be kept waiting.

“There was so much in my head.” There were dragons. “I feel more relaxed if I have a plan for how to tackle new information.”

And this was very new information even if I’d known about the interesting people in town from day one.

“I think that’s a very reasonable feeling considering what you’ve just learned and everything you’re still processing.” Boyd gave a little smirk. “And that’s not even considering your personal discoveries.”

That was a good way to put it, actually, but I found myself blushing anyway. Ignoring it really didn’t help, but I pretended it would. “Yes, I need to start making more lists for that side of things too. Ignoring it won’t get my questions answered.”

Unfortunately, knowledge didn’t pop up randomly in our heads.

“Oh, do you have to learn everything the long way or are there shortcuts? No, I should just write that down. I’ll ask later when it’s more appropriate.” I reached for my notebook again as he chuckled. “You’re more than just your dragon and I haven’t forgotten that.”