Page 18 of Secrets and Kisses

“Um, well, personally, I think they all like either showing off or think it’s unnecessary?” My response was technically helpful but made him groan again. “They’re all very polite when they’re doing something…nonhumanish.”

Oh, I needed a better vocabulary.

I’d never had to talk about dragons and mages and people who floated.

“Oh, dragons can fly, right?” I looked up at the ceiling out of reflex. “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone fly, so I was assuming land-based creatures.”

“The mages have a way of making sure we stay invisible, but we generally try to fly in the early morning or evening so there’s less chance of being noticed.” Boyd’s helpful answer let me check at least one question off my list.

There was magic.

But he also gave me a few more new ones to add.

“Would a human riding a dragon be visible? Is riding a dragon considered bad manners? A social taboo? Something personal? I heard Kenzie giggling with Lorne and he was talking about riding his Daddy and now I’m not sure I know what their conversation was about.” Normally I wouldn’t ask about someone’s private life but Kenzie didn’t seem to know what that meant, and it might be the only time I got to ask nosy questions without Boyd thinking I was rude.

Besides, it was knowledge and I was a librarian…so that made it fine.

But it took him a few seconds to respond, so I was back to worrying there was some kind of social taboo I didn’t know about.

“I would say it falls under the personal side of things, but it’s not bad manners. The visibility question might vary based on the protection that the mage made, but I know my personal one would keep my rider invisible too.”

Boyd could take me flying.

No, we couldn’t talk about that until I knew what else we were going to talk about because it was personal.

“That’s…that’s good to know.” Yes, that was fine, but just to be on the safe side, I ate another cracker stack before opening up the next layer where my grapes were hiding.

Boyd looked like he wanted to smirk but he was doing his best not to, which just made him look cute. “I’m glad you’ve got some fruit too.”

Because he was a Daddy.

I’d started off thinking of Daddies as magical creatures too, but after hearing Kenzie talk and seeing everyone at the playdate party, I had to admit I’d been wrong.

Daddies were just as real as dragons, evidently…and just as interested in making sure littles ate a healthy diet as they had been in books.

“I have cucumbers too.” I tilted the box so he could see. “And ranch.”

Because that was important and I had a spot for it too.

Of course, sometimes I used that spot for something like chocolate sauce to dip my fruit in but I wasn’t sure I needed to volunteer that…or that I had a squishy applesauce pack in the bottom layer.

He’d definitely think that was cute or silly or something that would make him smile.

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re eating such a healthy lunch.” Boyd seemed sincere enough that I decided I’d made the right call about showing off my veggies.

“Thank you, Sir.” That sounded…no, I wasn’t going to think about that. I had practical questions that needed to be answered first. “Now, does me knowing more about our local citizens mean I finally get access to the other part of the library?”

I was really curious about what I wasn’t supposed to know about and I figured I’d been patient long enough.

“You know about that too, huh?” Boyd sighed when I nodded. “Of course you know about that. Why did we think we could keep this from a human librarian?”

That was a very good question.

Chapter 6


We needed better planning before hiring any more human outsiders. That was abundantly clear, but I pushed the frustrated thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on Stefan.