Page 19 of Secrets and Kisses

“How did you figure that out?” I’d been assured the mages in charge of that had been top-notch.

Stefan’s expression said he thought that was a silly question. “Well, there’s missing space in the building. At least a ten-by-ten room if I’m pacing things off correctly and nothing will stick to that blank wall at the back of the building. I can’t even get a poster to stick there no matter what I use. I even got desperate and tried Gorilla Glue but that only held it about an hour.”

For fuck’s sake.

“Yes, there’s a room at the back of the building that has old documents and local histories. It was supposed to be well-hidden until we knew you could be told but clearly that didn’t go as planned.” Someone had taken the instructions too literally. I knew it. I just couldn’t figure out which one had gone pear-shaped.

Mages were a pain in the ass.

Stefan just perked up and started stacking crackers and cheese again, thoroughly enjoying his homemade Lunchable. “That’s wonderful. I’ll be very careful, of course. Were you aware that I did an internship at The National Archives?”

“Yes, that was one of the reasons you were hired. You had the right experience for every level of managing the library.” And he’d been very good at keeping everything he’d seen there private…which had been even better.

Stefan blushed and wiggled excitedly in his seat. “I’m glad that came in handy. I love learning and enjoyed my time there, but I prefer the more intimate library you have here.”

His comment about loving learning was the most adorable understatement I’d ever heard.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the library here.” I definitely didn’t want to read the room wrong and take that for granted. “From everything you said in your last review, you indicated you were going to stay? Is that still correct?”

He perked up again. “They really are a council and not just atown council, aren’t they?”

“Yes.” Before I could give him any more details on how the council worked, he realized he hadn’t answered my question.

“Oh, and yes, I have no intention of leaving. I love my job and everyone is fascinating, and now that I understand more about what I’m dealing with, I think I’ll be able to make more friends.” His expression turned sheepish as he looked down at his food. “It’s probably speciesist or something, but I wasn’t sure how I would fit in and it made me nervous about accepting social invitations.”

That was completely understandable.

“Invitations to things like the VFW Hall party or things like having lunch with Kenzie and the other guys?” I kept my tone teasing, making him blush again. “Maybe someone was hinting about asking you out on a date and you thought you needed to wait?”

His eyes got wide and he shoved a grape in his mouth, making me laugh.

“Don’t worry. You knew just enough to have legitimate concerns. I can understand why you wanted to keep yourself somewhat separate from everything else, but I hope that won’t be the case going forward.” Because that would make trying to date him even more difficult than it had been before.

He was studying his food like he thought it would get up and walk away, but after a few seconds, he peeked up at me shyly. “What if…what if…”

Stefan paused, taking a breath, so I did my best to be patient.

It turned out to be the best decision because once the floodgates opened all kinds of things rushed out. “Kenzie said you’re a Daddy and that you like older subs and you like younger littles when they’re, you know, little but I don’t know anything about me like that. I just know what I read in books…and I don’t know what’s real with that and what’s not. I tried to be little at the party but that just didn’t work even though I liked making the bracelets and having cake, but having cake didn’t make me feel little like it was supposed to.”

When a lack of oxygen meant he finally had to take a breath, I did my best to take the edge off some of his worries.

“I’m not sure how accurate Kenzie’s reading material is, but everything you’ve said about me so far has been correct. I’m attracted to men who are older than me.” It would’ve been so much easier if younger guys turned me on. “I’m not super narrow when it comes to what I like when my sub is in their little headspace, but I have to admit, I’m more of a bottles and diaper kind of Daddy and less chaos and insanity.”

Instead of worrying about the diaper part, Stefan focused on the last bit, which I thought was interesting. “Kenzie’s Daddy is the chaos and insanity type.”

“I know. Thinking about the chaos in their house gives me ulcers.” I was pretty sure Talon had to be a few crayons short of a box to be able to put up with Kenzie but it wasn’t my place to point that out.

Stefan’s smile stayed in place, but he looked slightly nervous as he started playing with his food. “So you wouldn’t mind dating or…or being in charge of someone who was naturally quieter?”

“No.” I knew he could hear the honesty in my voice when his shoulders relaxed and he nibbled on his stack instead of shoving it in his mouth. “I’m sure someone told you that I like cuddling and taking care of my sub. The guys told me you liked books and they thought you might like having a…having someone you’re dating read to you.”

I wasn’t sure if I needed to talk around the Daddy aspect of what I was looking for in a partner or if I could address it head-on. “I think the perfect balance for me would be to have a smart, interesting partner to talk to during grown-up times and a sweet little who wanted to be cared for when he wanted to relax.”

Nibbling again, Stefan nodded slowly. “The binkie and diapers part. I read about that in books.”

So, he was educated about the topic, but did he have a personal opinion?

“Yes, I’m glad it’s not completely unfamiliar to you. Making you uncomfortable is the last thing I want to do.” I’d been thinking about the topics we’d been talking about but something made Stefan blush.