Page 10 of Secrets and Kisses

Giving me a nod of his head, he winked and stepped back, heading across the room toward a man I didn’t recognize…but the man I did recognize really was heading in my direction and I could feel my face heating up again.

“We’re glad you could come, Stefan.” Boyd still looked stern but after Monroe’s teasing, I started to see something that might be nerves behind his overly neutral expression.


“I…I’ve been thinking about what Kenzie and his friends said.” And the deputy and the lady across the street from me and the bagger at the grocery store.

“I know they’ll be glad.” He paused but I couldn’t even begin to guess what he was thinking. “I’m glad too.”

He was?

Maybe he did frown at me differently than he did everyone else?

I hadn’t believed Mrs. Fillpots when she’d said that, but I wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Me too.” Oh, that hadn’t made sense at all. “I mean, I—”

Boyd actually smiled at me and it lit up his entire face. “It’s okay. I know what you meant.”

I was glad one of us did.

“Would you like to go meet a few people? See what everyone is doing?” Boyd waited as I took a breath, not looking impatient or like he thought I was being silly.

“I don’t know what I’m doing here. Kenzie was…and Lorne…” They were very good at talking me into things. “I’m sorry.”

I had a feeling I was going to end up saying that a lot over the next few hours.

“No sorries unless you’ve actually done something wrong.” He raised his eyebrow, looking very…very Domish even if he hadn’t actually said he was a Dom.

“Yes, Sir.”

Oh, was I supposed to call him that?


“Mr. Librarian, you’re here.” Kenzie’s excited voice as he finally bounced his way across the wide room cut off the frustrated rambling in my head about what an idiot I was. “I knew you would come. Do you want cake?”

“I…” Thinking back to Monroe’s words and realizing I had no idea what I would say to Boyd if I kept talking to him, I nodded. “Yes, I like cake.”

“Kenzie makes very good cake.” Boyd’s smiling response made it sound like he was giving me permission, and I could feel my heart rate slowing. “He’s also got some fun toys he could show you or you could see what kind of mess Lorne is creating.”

Boyd’s frown as he looked over at Lorne was so cute, I couldn’t help smiling as he shook his head. “He’s making a mess, so he’d love it if you helped him justify all the beads he brought.”

He clearly disapproved but Kenzie gave a beaming smile. “Yes, let’s go make bracelets because anyone can do that.”

As he took my hand and started dragging me over toward the table that had been set up for making jewelry, I realized thatanyonemeant Doms and subs and whatever else someone might describe themselves as.

Like me.

I wasn’t sure I had a label at the moment, so I was ananyone…I just wished I knew if he’d let me stay that way or if he was going to start asking me what I was.

Because I had no idea why I was there or what I was doing.

“Let’s make you sparkly, Mr. Librarian.”

Well, at least Kenzie knew what I was going to do…and sparkles had to be easier than questions, right?
