Page 11 of Secrets and Kisses

Sparkles were not easier than questions, but I had several new bracelets and he’d let me take home more cake since he’d said his Daddy wouldn’t let him eat the rest by himself…so I was going to count the confusing adventure a success.


I might’ve avoided Boyd a bit too much and I still had no idea what I was doing with the whole little and submissive adventure Kenzie was trying to drag me on, but it hadn’t been bad. I’d figured out a few things too, so that had to make it a success.

“I liked making the jewelry and I liked having snacks with everyone.” Heading into my small kitchen to make tea, I puttered around as I tried to sort through my feelings. “I liked talking to the other people there…the ones I didn’t hide from, at least.”

Kenzie had been right. There’d been a mix of people who’d shown up and I wasn’t the only person who’d seemed to be a tad bit confused. One woman had even asked me if I’d ever explored being a kitten and a man slightly younger than me had asked me if I had strong opinions on what should happen in a bathroom.

Thankfully, Kenzie’s Daddy had saved me from having to figure out a polite answer to either question. Boyd had been ready to step in—that’d been obvious—but I wasn’t sure what he would’ve done or why he was watching me so intently.

I was human and had no idea what was going on with the locals.

I also had no idea what I felt about the submissive questions everyone seemed to think were so easy to answer.

I wasn’t even sure what I was doing at the playdate.

Yes, there were too many questions floating around in my head for me to take the next step in anything. I couldn’t even take the next step in managing the library because there were holes in the online catalog I could drive a truck through, and at least once a week an older patron would ask me for books we didn’t have…well, I thought we didn’t have.

“You should not flirt with your boss even if he’s handsome and controlling.” No, that made him sound questionable. “Handsome and dominant.”

Kenzie said he was a Daddy.

Outside of a romance novel, the deputy was the only person I knew who was a Daddy. Well, that I knew one hundred percent was a Daddy. I had several good guesses and had been a part of a few confusing conversations but that was not actual facts.

“Well, he’s technically not my boss. He’s just my liaison with the local…the local something. They called themselves a council a few times, but it hadn’t really sounded like a political group and no one could tell me how they got elected.”

Everyone just smiled and changed the subject…badly.

As my tea steeped, I arranged my cake on a plate and burned off some of my nervous energy by making a tea party setup that I thought Kenzie would appreciate.

But as much as I liked it, it didn’t make me feel childlike in any way.

It was fun and made me happy, though, so I thought that was just as good…maybe better since it was something I didn’t need a Daddy around to enjoy.

It would’ve made Kenzie little, though.

Lots of things made Kenzie little.

Part of me wished it were that easy for me to find the happy headspace he slipped into so easily but I didn’t feel the same pull. I’d liked watching over him and playing with him, but it was nothing like the authors in Kenzie’s books had described.

Maybe I was doing it wrong?

The general consensus seemed to be that there was no right or wrong way to be little, but there generally were right and wrong ways to do anything. People just didn’t like to admit when they were wrong. But I liked learning, and to do that, I had to be willing to admit when I was wrong…and I was currently wrong.

I just didn’t know how to be right…or how to get the information to find what would be right.

“Maybe I need to add to the nonfiction section?” I’d been steadily expanding the fiction section since that was what most of my patrons had been asking for, but there had to be scientific works on kinks.


“No, let’s table that for now and I’ll research that another time. Just maybe not at work?” Would that come across like I was looking up porn?

“Okay, I need to figure that part out first before I start randomly looking for books on kink.” Yes, that sounded like it would get someone’s attention…maybe whoever was hiding the rest of the book catalog?

The more I thought about it the more I realized I didn’t need to be in any rush to figure things out. Kenzie would drag me along at whatever pace he and his friends deemed reasonable and that would be a good starting point.

“They haven’t rushed me too much yet.” Yes, that was a good plan.