Page 84 of Secrets and Kisses

My mate.

It shouldn’t have felt so right, but it was.

Something had changed from the moment he’d come into the library and said there were dragons. That he was a dragon. That he wanted to be my Daddy. That he wanted to hold me and take care of me.

“Then we’ll fly.” He kissed my nose before stepping back and tossing the water onto the nest he’d made for me. “I can’t wait to show you how wonderful it is.”

Me too.

But the words were stuck in my throat as he methodically removed his clothes, never breaking eye contact with me. For the first time, I could tune out how sexy he was and simply focus on the marvelous change that overtook him.

My dragon.

From one minute to the next, he was Daddy and then he was dragon…and instead of pushing away the soft voice in my head, I thought about all the books I’d read and tried to bring it closer.


There was a soft chuckle that I would’ve ignored before, but knowing it was Boyd, I closed my eyes and reached for him.

You’re magic. This is supposed to be easy. Kenzie’s books said so.

And there was more laughter, that time filling my head like he was standing in the dark with me.

Open your eyes, teaspoon.

Ugh. Daddy.

He was so ridiculous, but he was right there in front of me as I opened my eyes. “That’s so weird.”

More laughter seemed to bounce around in my head.

No, it’s mates and it’s the most incredible feeling.

Daddy’s awe felt huge as his emotions seemed to seep through the link between us as I stepped closer and ran a hand down his head. “You’re so incredible.”

He nuzzled my hand, a smiling feeling filling my head.

You have to tell Kenzie I’m the most beautiful dragon.

“You really want me to start World War III over a dragon with a lot of confidence?” I loved Daddy but I wasn’t sure I loved him that much.

You love me, huh?


As I crashed my head into his, trying to hide from his laughter and his delight, I huffed. “I forgot you could read my mind. That’s cheating.”

No, that’s you being adorable and being the first to say I love you.


“No, I do not agree with that assessment of the situation, but I’m waiting.” Kenzie would’ve definitely started tapping his foot but Daddy didn’t make me wait long enough to get to that point.

I love you, my mate.

Once the words were out there between us, the tiny dragons whirling inside of me landed and everything was calm…perfect.

I love you too, Daddy.