Daddy was so brave.
“Thank you, Daddy. My brain jumped to scarier things because Kenzie asked me to get a book about orcs and that was…well, interesting.” No, I didn’t need to think about that.
“You’re welcome.” Daddy leaned over and kissed my cheek, looking very calm, and I thought that was because he was worried about me. “Should we go inside and cuddle or would you still like to go flying?”
I could fly with Daddy.
I could ride a dragon.
I really shouldn’t have gotten so distracted with the Daddy and diapers part of our conversations and forgot about the flying part.
“I read books about people who ride dragons.” I’d just never thought it was possible. “But we’re not going into battle.”
That automatically made it safer.
Daddy shook his head and treated the conversation like it made perfect sense. “No, we’re just going to do a few circles around the yard and then I’ll land.”
Yes, that would be much safer.
I didn’t need a battle to have a reason to fly—I had Daddy.
“Yes, I would like to fly, please.” Daddy was my mate. “I’m not scared.”
Slightly cautious, but Daddy and Depuy Talon wouldn’t let me do something dangerous…and Kenzie wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret if it was dangerous.
He couldn’t keep a secret about anything.
“Alright, teaspoon.” Daddy winked as I groaned.
“I can’t believe Kenzie thought that was something dirty.” My life here just kept getting weirder and weirder, but that was so much nicer than being ignored back home, I’d never trade it for the world.
“I can’t believe the whole diner thought it was dirty too.” Daddy was shaking his head at how ridiculous the whole thing was. “Their search histories tonight are going to be naughtier than yours.”
As I huffed…and blushed…Daddy barked out a laugh and climbed out of the car. He was still grinning as he opened my door and held out his hand, but it was a softer smile. “Will you come flying with me, my mate?”
He was so wonderful and just so adorable.
“I would love to, my mate.” I wasn’t sure what that meant in terms of everything human, but I wasn’t worried. I had my Daddy and I knew he’d take care of me. “Take me flying, Daddy.”
Once that decision was made, everything else seemed to fall into place.
We walked through the house, Daddy gathering up my blanket and what he’d started calling my nest pillows. I wasn’t sure we’d need them butjust in caseseemed to be Daddy’s motto at the moment because he even asked me to go get a few bottles of water while he finished making sure he had everything ready.
But when I met him out in the backyard, I realized my sneaky Daddy had been at it again.
My nest was back but he’d also set out some small electric tea lights and it was arranged like the prettiest nest I could’ve ever imagined. “Oh, Daddy.”
He smiled, walking over and taking the water bottles from me as he gave me a kiss. “Oh, mate.”
He was so cute.
“Are you ready to fly?” He gave me another kiss as I nodded, but he looked slightly worried. “You can always change your mind. This isn’t something that you have to do. We’re not in a race with Kenzie and Talon, and I’m sure a lot of humans don’t fly with their dragon partners, mates or not.”
That seemed ridiculous even though logically I knew he was right.
How could someone not want to fly?
“I know I can change my mind at any time and I remember my safewords are for any situation.” I knew I wouldn’t need them, though. “But I want to fly with my Daddy.”