Muscles stood out along Samuel’s neck, and his erection still bulged in his jeans. The thin t-shirt did nothing to hide his broad chest and thick muscles. I imagined those arms locked around me, his cock buried deep inside while Derek fucked my mouth.

Good God. The mental image made me horny all over again. I pushed back from the couch and stood on shaky legs. Derek looped an arm around my waist, and I leaned into him. My hand splayed over his stomach as the muscles flexed. His cock hung at half-mast, the girth and weight still impressive.

“I enjoyed the show.” Samuel winked at me. “God a damned hard on that won’t quit.” He rubbed his palm over his cock again.

My nerves shot into overdrive, and it took way too much effort not to drop back onto the couch and offer myself to him like a goose on a silver platter.

I should be completely satisfied. I was, I told myself. The buzz from my orgasm lingered, but the temptation of more pushed the edges of my boundaries.

My phone alarm rang shrilly, causing me to jump. I slapped a hand over my mouth. “I have to get ready for work. Henry will kill me if I’m late again.”

Derek grinned and a mischievous light entered his eyes. “Henry’s not so bad. A bit of a control freak.” He shrugged. “Maybe you like that sort of thing too?”

The question took me by surprise. Henry was the one who’d told me to take my pick of Alex or Derek. He’d warned me away from himself, citing his darker desires as the reason he wouldn’t fuck me himself. Now Derek was trying to push me toward Henry?

What the fuck was going on? And why did the idea turn me on so much?

I should be appalled at the idea of them sharing me. I should feel debased, like they thought I was property they could pass around.

That’s not how I felt at all. Especially when I remembered how Henry had looked at me. He’d been attracted to me. He’d wanted to fuck me right there in his office. My chest hitched on a breath.

“I’m not sure I know what I like anymore,” I admitted while looking at the three of them. My phone continued to blare the alarm.

Samuel strode into the kitchen and picked up my phone, silencing the alarm. “I have to know what you think, Emma.”

“About what?” My throat turned dry. I thought I knew what he was about to ask, and I didn’t know how I should answer him.

“What do you think about Derek’s idea?” He picked up my panties from the kitchen floor and held them out to me on the bend of one finger. One long, rugged finger that immediately had my mind tangling in knots. “Would you be willing to share that glorious body with us?”



Damn me to hell for my delicious thoughts.

Emma grasped her panties, pulling them from Samuel’s grasp. Her naked body blushed, and all I could think about was taking Derek’s place and pounding my dick into her until she screamed for me too. What was I doing?

I saw myself in the mirror and paused. Images of Emma bent over the couch with my cock in her mouth bombarded me. I couldn’t shake loose from her no matter how hard I tried.

Samuel wore his erection proudly, not bothering to hide it as he smiled at Emma and waited for her answer.

I shoved my hands back into my pockets to hide the bulge of my cock. My thumb grazed the side of it, and I ground my teeth at the burst of need.

Emma looked down at the panties in her hand like she couldn’t decide whether to put them on or run away. Her round ass cheeks were pointed in my direction, and I squeezed my cock through my pocket. The friction made everything worse.

Derek picked up her shirt from behind the couch but didn’t offer it to her. We were animals, letting her stand there naked and vulnerable. But she didn’t ask for her shirt, and the way she looked at all of us like she was desperate made me hot with desire.

I was intrigued by the idea of sharing Emma. If today was any indication, we were all seriously hot for her. I’d just watched my friend have sex, and the only thing that I could think of wasme next.

How could I be thinking that so soon after my breakup? Maybe a little casual sex is exactly what I need. Derek hounded me a week ago, telling me it would help me get over my ex. I wasn’t sure he was right, but I knew that Emma would be an excellent distraction. I loved sex. Like, maybe more than was healthy. At least, that was what my ex said when I tried to sleep with her more than twice a week.

Derek’s constant refrain that sex was relaxing had never appeared more true. Emma continued to blush, but her body was fluid, totally at ease. Derek was the same. He’d never been ill at ease with his body, but the quiet smile he wore now was a testament to his relaxed state.

Emma chewed on her bottom lip and looked at each of us. Her wide brown eyes landed on me, and she clutched her panties between those gorgeous tits. “How would that work?” Her voice came out breathy and excited.

I surprised myself by answering before the others. “There are multiple ways it could work. Several ways we’d all find pleasure.” I ignored Samuel’s smirk and the two thumbs-up Derek waved behind Emma’s back.

I wasn’t expecting to find anything to say to Emma, but the thought of not being with her because she was with Derek made my skin chafe. My erection continued pressing against the zipper of my jeans. I wasn’t ready to have sex with her, even if my dick thought otherwise. My attraction to her was secondary to recovering from my breakup. Once I’d cleared my head and gotten back to myself, then I could think about sex with Emma.