But I couldn’t stop talking about it. My mind ran off with me, and the words poured out before I could stop them. “You could have two of us at once. Maybe three. You might like having one of us fuck you while you suck someone’s dick.” I expected to frighten her with my coarse language and the vivid pictures I created. “It’s possible, with the right angles, for two of us to fuck your ass and pussy at the same time.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open slightly. Her breaths came in little gasps.

“And you could suck someone off at the same time,” I continued. “Just depends on whether three guys are willing to get naked in the same room together and have their junk banging together.” Was I the type of guy who was willing to go that far? I couldn’t say for sure, but I knew that if Emma wanted it, I’d be tempted. More tempted than I cared to admit.

“You can come to each of us individually for sex,” Samuel chimed in. “It doesn’t have to be as intense as Alex implied.” He gave me awhat-the-fuck-are-you-doinglook that I ignored.

She’d asked a question. I provided an answer. I wouldn’t tell her I’d read more than one book on the subject matter in the hopes of spicing up my love life to satisfy my ex.

“You don’t have to feel obligated to take on more than one guy,” Derek said.

I was thinking that too, but more along the lines of a threesome with Emma in the middle.

“And if I wanted to… take more than one of you?” she asked it with such sweet innocence that I bit back a groan.

Derek looked at Samuel, who lifted his shoulders in a tight shrug. They were willing. They both turned to me with questioning looks.

Emma turned another slow circle, then her gaze caught on the phone still in Samuel’s hand. “Shit. I have to go.” She snatched the phone from him and raced toward the spare bedroom. Her bedroom.

Fucking hell. She lived with us now. Which meant I’d have to hear her and see her every damned day. And I’d definitely hear her if she had sex with Derek again. That scream was something I’d never forget.

Samuel’s gaze followed Emma’s bouncing ass all the way to her bedroom, where she closed the door after glancing back one last time. We must’ve embarrassed her. Instead of answering, she ran away. We did put her on the spot. I didn’t blame her for needing time and space to make a decision like that. Kind of hard to think straight with three horny men staring you down. Not that I’d know anything about that, but if the situation was reversed, I’d have a hard time answering too.

“Was that a yes or a no?” Samuel asked Derek.

Still naked, Derek shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out. In the meantime, I’m going to fuck her every chance I get.”

His smirk rubbed me the wrong way and I paced across the kitchen to stand in front of him. “Watch yourself with her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He nudged my shoulder with one hand, driving me back a step. “Emma’s great.”

“I know. And you need to remember that. Be careful you don’t hurt her.” I didn’t know where those words came from, but I meant every last one of them. The sound of shower water running brought us both up short.

Derek shoved a hand through his hair and took a step back. “I have to get ready for work.”

Yeah, so did I. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Emma at home and at work. Her presence poked at me in unexplainable ways. I wanted to be near her but also wanted to stay far, far away. The dichotomy rattled my self-confidence. Though, if I was being honest, my ex did a pretty good job of that herself.

Samuel strolled over to the couch and sat down. “I’ll wait here.” Of course he would. He probably hoped to distract Emma when she tried to leave.

“Henry’s already on her ass about being late yesterday,” I reminded Samuel.

The older firefighter’s grin grew wider. He slouched further down on the couch and crossed his right ankle over his left knee. “I know. The man needs someone to get him riled up. Our Emma might be just the woman to do it.”

“Our Emma?” I shook my head. “She’s notouranything.”

“Not yet.” Samuel stared hard at Emma’s door.

Something about the way he said it made it sound like this was a guaranteed thing. I knew Emma was interested. But that didn’t mean she’d take any of us—or all of us—up on the offer.

“Whatever.” I slashed a hand through the air. “I’m going to shower. Alone.” I reiterated when Samuel raised an eyebrow.

Emma’s water stopped running. I turned on my heel and hightailed it to my room, slamming the door behind me before my libido could take over and carry me into her room.

I kicked my heel against the floor to drag my boot off and followed it with the second. My pants went next, followed by my shirt and underwear. My erection sprang free, and I looked down at the betraying member.

“We’re not supposed to like her.” I spoke to my cock like it could understand why we shouldn’t be excited at the thought of being intimate with Emma.

Growling under my breath, I grabbed clean clothes from my closet and stalked into the bathroom, where I closed and locked the door. I knew better than to leave it open in case Derek decided to talk Emma into having pity on me and joining me in the shower.