“What part of none of your business don’t you understand?” I jammed a finger in his chest. “Get out of my way. You can’t forcibly hold me in your office until I talk.”
“I can.” He wrapped his fingers around my wrist, and I’ll be damned if a shudder of want didn’t rattle up my spine. "You liked being tied up in here last time.”
Fuck. My pulse skipped beneath his fingertips. I knew he’d felt it when his eyebrows rose and he hummed low in the back of his throat.
“What happens in my personal life is none of your business.” I tugged on my hand, and he released it. I wanted to be glad, but part of me was upset that he gave in so easily. That he let me go without a fight.
That wasn’t how any of this was supposed to go.
“Do you want to change that?” Henry stroked a finger down my cheek and tucked his finger beneath my chin, asking me to raise my face and look at him.
I resisted as long as I could, but curiosity got the better of me and I met his gaze. His eyes were gentle and kind, even as something sparked deep in them.
“We’re about to have our next forty-eight hours off. I have an idea… if you’re interested.” His voice dipped to a dark whisper. “There’s something I’d like to try.”
“What do you mean?” Dryness invaded my throat and I licked my lips again. At this rate, I’d eat all my lipstick by breakfast. “I thought you were done with me.” I hadn’t meant to say that. I never wanted to reveal my weakness, my insecurities, to him. To any of them for that matter. I’d done it before when I let Derek know I’d never had proper oral sex. Then again with Samuel and Alex.
“What?” He reared back like I’d slapped him. Keeping his eyes on mine, he reached back and closed the door, cutting off the sounds from the station outside. I caught a glimpse of Samuel’s face before the door shut him out. He’d looked intrigued. “Why would you think that?”
“Because.” I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t admit that I felt fragile and needy, and I wanted him to say that he’d never get tired of me. That would never happen.
I became Henry’s sole focus. He worked his hands up from my shoulders and over my neck. His thumbs brushed my jawline and his entire demeanor became one that I’d only seen him use when with his team. “Sometimes we get a little wrapped up in work, but that never means we don’t still want you.”
We? Oh God, he said we. He was talking for all of them and not just himself. “That’s why I wanted to ask you about tomorrow. I want to show you what I mean.”
“What did you have in mind?” I felt myself melting toward him and my palms grazed his sides, where I gripped his shirt with both hands to keep from falling. My mind whirled with possibilities.”
“You’ve seen a little of what I like.” His chin jerked toward his desk. “But that’s not even close to the true darkness. If you’re interested, I’d like to show you what I’m capable of.”
Did I? Would that help in the long run or only make things worse when I had to give them up? Damn my curiosity. I’d had a taste of Henry, and I was desperate for more. “Show me.”
“Not here.” He let go of me with one hand and reached back toward his desk. Holding up a slip of paper, he pressed it into my palm. “This is my address. You can meet me there.”
His address. I was going to see Henry’s house and experience the full depth of his darker sexual tendencies. Holy fuck. I fingered the paper and remembered the look on Samuel’s face as the door closed. “Will it be just the two of us? Or will the others join us?”
I waited for his answer with a breathlessness that made black spots dance in my vision.
Coming to Henry’s house always made me nervous. Not this time. This time, I leaped up the steps and rapped my knuckles on the wooden frame without thinking twice. Soft lights gleamed over the porch, highlighting a trio of Christmas wreaths hanging in the windows. Huh. Henry decorated for Christmas. That was a shock. I couldn’t remember ever seeing this place lit up with Christmas lights or any kind of decoration. Henry was fastidious and kept a perfect house, but it was also open and inviting with lots of color and personality. And a massive, big-screen TV.
Samuel and Alex pulled their vehicles in behind mine and hopped out.
“You’re early.” Samuel slapped me on the back and pounded his fist on the door. “Open up, Henry. It’s cold out here.”
I rolled my eyes. Samuel was never cold. The man practically burned up year around, going without a coat half the winter.
Alex stood back and let the two of us vie for beating down Henry’s door when he didn’t answer soon enough to suit us.
“What’s the deal?” I shot the question over my shoulder at Alex. “He never takes this long to answer the door. It’s just our regular get-together.” We hung out and talked shit sometimes. “Henry?” I pummeled the door again.
It opened enough for Emma to poke her head out. “Wow, you guys actually knocked.” She popped a hand on her hip and pushed the door open all the way. “I figured you’d just barge in like you do the office.”
“Nah. We respect Henry’s privacy.” Samuel leaned down and touched Emma under the chin. “Most of the time.”
“What are you doing here?” Alex was the only one not thrilled with Emma’s appearance.