I was happy as fuck to see her standing there. I grabbed Alex by the shoulder and dragged him inside. “Does it matter why she’s here?”

It didn’t matter to me. To be here and see her again, in a situation where I didn’t have to guard every move, it was like heaven came down to visit me for a day. Samuel led the way to Henry’s kitchen, where he stood at the empty table. Good thing I’d eaten before coming over. Henry had at least warned us that there wouldn’t be food tonight. But he didn’t have the game on or any of the poker stuff out. So, what the hell were we doing here?

Emma walked in behind us and eased around so she stood within sight. White teeth nibbled her lower lip as she darted a look at Henry. Her cheeks colored and she looked away.

“What’s going on?” Samuel broke the tense quiet.

Henry held out his hand toward Emma, and there was something intimate in the gesture. “Emma has a request.”

Emma’s color peaked to an all-time high, and the way she walked to Henry and slipped her hand into his caused my pulse to race. There was only one reason Emma and Henry were here, looking at each other like that. I lost sight of everything else in the room.

“We’re listening.” Tendons popped in Samuel’s arms. He gripped the back of a chair and leaned forward, eying Emma and then Henry.

Even Alex straightened and lost some of his animosity. He hadn’t spoken to me much since the fire, or even before the fire. I knew from Samuel that he and Alex had sex with Emma. Alex had been out of sorts since then.

Henry took his time. The bastard was enjoying this way too much. “Emma wants to have sex with all of us. All at the same time. If all of you are willing.”

Well, hell. Way to put us on the spot. My answer came easily enough. “I’m in.” I folded my arms over my chest and looked from Samuel to Alex. “If they bail, is the option still open for me?”

“I’m in.” Samuel punched me in the arm hard enough to sting.

I ignored the flush of pain and waited for Alex. We all waited for Alex. It mattered if he agreed to join us. But even if he backed out, I prayed to God that the rest of us would still get a chance to have the night of our lives. My dick throbbed and swelled.

“What about you, Alex?” Henry didn’t try to pressure Alex, but the question was weighted with the possibility of loving Emma, and he knew it.

Alex held up a hand. “I need to think.” He met Emma’s eyes and seemed to see the same flash of hurt that I caught. “I’m into the idea, I just need a minute to think.”

“Take all the time you need.” Emma released Henry’s hand and moved to stand in front of Alex. She started to reach out but stopped. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything. Any of you. I know this is a lot to ask.”

“It’s a bit unorthodox,” Samuel added.

“And most of society would frown on this whole situation.” Emma jerked her head in a nod. “I know. Again, you’re not obligated to say yes.”

“I meant my yes.” I nudged Samuel, who agreed by rubbing his palms together.

Emma held up both hands in a wait motion. “You all need to fully understand the situation.”

“We get it, Em,” Samuel said.

“No. You don’t.” She took a breath that lifted her tits and made me that much hotter for her. “I don’t want Henry to hold back this time. That means you have to be comfortable with what’s going to happen.”

We all turned to look at Henry, who, for the first time since I’d met him, looked slightly uncomfortable. “You all know that I like rough sex. Bondage. BDSM. Nothing that involves blood or intense pain. But it can get dark. If anyone wants out at any point, there’s no shame in walking away. I want to give Emma everything she’s asked for.”

“Can you handle it?” Alex looked hard at Emma, his mouth wrenched in a frown.

The hints of uncertainty that I’d noticed evaporated. She gave a firm nod and took Henry’s hand again. “I’m sure. I have a safe word I can use if things get to be too much. And I second Henry. There’s nothing wrong with needing to leave if this is not what you want.”

“I’m still in.” I took my time looking around the room. “I trust all of you. Henry has been there during every dangerous situation in my life. He’s always kept me safe. I trust him with this too.”

“Okay.” Alex took a step toward Emma and brushed her hair over her shoulder. “I’m in.”

“Halle-fucking-lujah.” Samuel punched his fist into his open palm. “Let’s go.”

“Alright. Follow me.” Henry took the lead, guiding us deeper into the house.

I’d never been any further than the bathroom on the first floor, but he took us up to the second floor and into a room at the end of the hall. My brain caught up a split second before my mouth, which kept me from blurting out awhat the fuck?at the wrong time.

Henry’s bedroom was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Black satin sheets covered the bed, and a tangle of straps hung from one wall. Things I’d only ever heard about lined a mahogany dresser.