“You know, I used to have the biggest crush on you.” She continues like I didn’t speak.

“Oh yeah?”

“Like the biggest crush. Not to sound like a stalker, but I used to watch you in class. You were hands down the most beautiful man I had ever seen, and I rather enjoyed studying the lines of your face when you weren’t paying attention.” She takes a sip of her wine. “That night, after you landed your jump perfectly, you met my eyes across the yard, hopped down, and came straight toward me. I can still remember exactly what you said.I hope you’re ready for the best fucking night of your life.”

“I didn’t.” I scrub my hand down my face.

“Oh, you did. And then you took my hand and dragged me inside the house. I felt like the luckiest girl on the planet that night.”

“Let me guess. I left you there, and the next time you saw me, I acted like I didn’t know you.”

“Pretty much.”

“I’m sorry. I wish I could say you were the only one I did that to...”

“Oh, I know. You had quite the reputation around school.”

“And yet you still went inside with me?” I hitch a brow.

“Of course I did. You were Remington Barnett, the most sought-after bachelor in school. Then again, I was immature enough to believe I wouldn’t be just another notch in your bedpost. The way you looked at me that night...I guess in the end I just saw what I wanted to see. It was easier that way. You know, to think you wanted me for more than just my body.”

“I’m sorry.” I apologize a second time, not really sure why she even sat down next to me if I fucked her and forgot her, even though she clearly had a thing for me.

“Don’t be. It really was one of the best nights of my life.” She smiles. “Besides, it was a long time ago. I’m sure you’ve matured a lot since then.”

Have I?I think but don’t say.

Kaia comes back to the forefront of my mind. Not that she actually ever left, but for a brief moment, I let Dalia distract me.

I think about how much she’s changed me. In the span of a couple of months, I went from acting like the guy Dalia just described, to someone who would quite literally burn the world to the ground for a singular woman.

I know we haven’t been seeing each other that long, but I was pretty convinced from the very beginning that she was it for me.

The thought only deepens the pit that has opened up inside my stomach.

“Yeah,” I mutter, not really sure what else to say. “So how are you? You married? Got any kids?” I ask, even though I couldn’t really care less.

“Newly divorced, actually. Which I guess explains the dress.” She gestures to the silky, form-fitting material that doesn’t even come close to reaching her knee. Weirdly, I hadn’t even noticed what she was wearing until she mentioned it. Normally, it’s one of the first things I notice, for obvious reasons.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’m not.” She shakes her head, taking another sip of wine. “My ex-husband was an asshole.” She leans in a little closer. “What about you?”

“Not married. No kids.” I realize how fucking pathetic that probably sounds. A thirty-year-old man who has no real ties to anyone but himself.


“Not really.” The words taste bitter on my tongue.

“Not really.”

“It’s complicated.”

Had she asked me this question yesterday, I would have told her about Kaia. I would have said, yes, I’m happily committed to someone. And I was... Happy, I mean. Maybe happier than I’ve ever been. So fucking happy that I spent most days feeling like I was walking around on clouds.

Funny how life has a way of bringing you back down to earth with a dramatic splat.

“I see.” She crosses one leg over the other. “So does complicated mean you’re able to invite me back to your place and show me the second-best night of my life?” She touches my arm with the tips of her fingers, and while my gut reaction is to pull away, I don’t.