“What makes you think this time wouldn’t trump the last time?”

“Just a feeling.” She tsks, the conversation going from casual to something else entirely in the span of just a few seconds. “So what do you say? Wanna take this party somewhere more private?”

I should say no. Truth be told, I want to say no. But I also want to prove to myself that Kaia doesn’t have the death grip on me that I think she does. I need to prove that to myself. I need to cleanse her from my mind and my body and forget I ever met her.

“Promise me you’ll talk to her.”Aspen’s earlier words filter through my mind.

I didn’t... Talk to her, I mean. What is there really to say? She was kissing another man. Even if she insists it’s something else, I saw what I saw, and there’s no changing that. Why should I give her another opportunity to lie to me further?

Had another woman tried to kiss me, I wouldn’t have just stood there and let her. I would have shoved her away in an instant. But Kaia didn’t. She just stood there and let him kiss her. Her fiancé...

The thought makes me want to throw up my insides.

How could I have been so blind?


It’s this thought that has me dropping money on the bar and pushing to a stand.

“Let’s do it.” I wait until she collects her things before extending my arm to her.

She smiles, slipping her arm through mine as we make our way out of the bar.

The hole in my stomach continues to grow on the short walk back to my apartment. So much so that by the time we reach my building, I’m fairly certain it’s going to swallow me whole at any moment. Even still, it doesn’t stop me from unlocking the door, and it doesn’t stop me from letting her inside.

When she turns, her hands sliding up my chest, the feeling turns from bad to worse. Because while my mind may have chalked up that Kaia’s gone, my body, more specifically my heart, simply hasn’t gotten the message.

Chapter Seventeen



“Took you long enough.” It’s what I hear seconds before the door to Remi’s apartment opens and his large figure appears in the doorway in front of me.

The sight of him steals my breath and tears instantly prick the backs of my eyes.