“He wasn’t in love with me. Not really. He just didn’t want Sutton to have me. That’s why I said you should talk to Remi. I think he could explain it better than I ever could because they were his feelings, not mine. Regardless, that’s in the past. Sutton and I are married. We have children together. We’re happy. Happier than I ever thought I’d have any right to be. And Remi is happy for us. Because he loves us. He loves me. But don’t confuse that with something more. It isn’t.”

“I honestly don’t know what to think,” I admit.

“I never meant for you to find out this way. I’m so sorry. I just want him to be happy and, Kaia, you make him happy. Happier than I think I’ve ever seen him. Please don’t let something that happened in the past spoil what you could have in the future.”

“Would you?” Her eyebrows knit in confusion at my question. “If you were in my shoes, would you be completely unaffected by what you’ve just told me?”

She thinks on that for a moment.

“No. I would probably be terrified by it.”

For some reason, her answer gives me some semblance of comfort because at least she sees my position in all of this.

And while no, I have no intention of ending things with Remi over something that happened before he ever met me, it certainly does complicate things a bit. It would seem complicated is his specialty, given everything I’ve learned.

“Please don’t let this affect your relationship with Remi,” she pleads, on the verge of crying, which is probably fifty percent worry and fifty percent hormones, given that it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen her cry since she came back from maternity leave.

“It’sgoingto affect our relationship, Aspen. How could it not? But that doesn’t mean I’m going to just end things because of it. I care about Remi... A lot. More than I have any right to given how short of a time we’ve actually known each other. But I won’t lie and say that this whole thing doesn’t bother me. It does.”

“You’re right. I should have told you all of this from the beginning. I’m sorry for not being more upfront with you.”

“I get it. Who wants to tell something like that to a practical stranger? You weren’t kidding when you said it was messy.”

“Right.” She swipes at a nonexistent tear. “Are you angry with me?”

I think about that for a moment. Because while yes, a part of me is upset and jealous and feels stupid for not seeing it earlier, the other part of me knows I can’t really fault her either. If the roles were reversed, I likely wouldn’t have told her either.

Hell, I haven’t mentioned Blake to a single person. Not even when Remi asked me about how no one has asked me to marry them yet. He gave me the perfect in, and I never said a word. So really, what are he and Aspen guilty of that I haven’t done myself?

“Of course I’m not.” My expression softens. “I do wish you had told me earlier, but I’m not angry with you.”

“I really am so sorry.”

“It’s fine, really. I’m sorry for overacting. I guess it was just a bit of a shock to hear.”

“If that was overreacting, then you haven’t seen anything. I’ve been known to make a mountain out of a molehill a time or two in my life, and I can promise you it looked a hell of a lot more dramatic than that.” She smiles, gesturing to me.

“Oh, I have too at times. But when you’ve been through what I have in the last few months, it really puts things into perspective. What maybe once would have felt earth-shattering, now doesn’t. Because I know what it feels like to have it actually shatter, and I promise you, this doesn’t even come close.”

“I can’t imagine losing someone that close to me.”

“I hope you never have to find out.” I give her a sad smile.

“Please don’t be too hard on Remi.”

“I won’t.”

Truth be told, I’m not even sure I will bring it up right away, but given that I have zero doubt she’s going to call him the second she walks out of my office, I guess I should start mentally preparing for it.

“Well, I think I’ve caused enough damage for one day.” She pushes to a stand. “I’m really sorry again.”

“It’s fine, Aspen. Truly. Everyone has a past.”

Boy, don’t I know that...

“I’m getting ready to leave for the day, but if you need to talk or have any additional questions, just call me.”

“I won’t.” I smile.