“Okay.” She hesitates in the doorway. “See ya.”

“Yeah, see ya.” I wait until she’s gone before letting out a slow breath, releasing some of the heaviness that’s been sitting on my chest for the last several minutes.

Not exactly the turn I expected my afternoon to take, but also not really all that surprising either. I’ve never seen two people as close as Remi and Aspen are. Platonic or not, feelings can get messy really fast.

I’m still not really sure how I feel about the whole thing.

On one hand, I hate it.

On the other, I get it.

I’ve barely had time to gather my thoughts on the matter when my phone signals an incoming text.

I’m not at all surprised when I pick it up and see Remi’s name across the screen.

That was fast...

Then again, nothing about his text gives me any indication that Aspen called him... yet. Maybe I was wrong to assume... Or maybe she’s just waiting until she’s home or, at the very least, in her car.

Remi:We still on for tonight? You better say yes because I’ve already stocked my refrigerator with Coke Zero and stinky yogurt.

A small laugh slides past my lips.

I’m obsessed with Chobani flips, and when I ate one the other day in front of him, he wouldn’t shut up about how much they stunk.

Me:I’ll be heading that way in about an hour.

I hit send. His reply comes so quickly it’s a wonder he even had time to type it out.

Remi:I’ll be counting down the minutes.

Me:So will I ;)

Some of my earlier excitement returns as the anticipation of seeing Remi grows. Sure, finding out that he was once upon a time in love with a woman who looks like she was plucked out of a Victoria’s Secret catalog wasn’t exactly the cherry on top of my sundae, but it didn’t completely melt my ice cream either.

Because as I said before, we all have a past.

The only difference is, now I know about his...