“See what?”

“Patience, babe.”


My heart kicks against my ribs so hard I’m fairly certain I hear one crack on impact. I run my tongue along the front of my teeth, my mouth suddenly bone-dry.

I’m sure he meant nothing by it, but the endearment was certainly not lost on me.

I won’t deny that it felt good. Or that the wall I built around myself, in an effort to keep him out, just crumbled a little more. At this rate, there won’t be a single brick left by the end of the night.

I can’t help it. Remi is... Well, he’s addictive. Like the more I get, the more I want. I’ve never felt so overwhelmed by a man before. Hell, by anyone.

I don’t look at him, so sure he’ll be able to read my thoughts all over my face. Instead, I focus on the screen that lights up each floor as we pass it. It dings at the twenty-sixth floor before the doors slide open, revealing another open area with floor-to-ceiling windows.

“There is no better way to see the city than from here,” he tells me, leading me out of the elevator and across the unfinished floor. “There are no skyscrapers in D.C., so a lot of developers buy land here and build them because, well, look at that view,” he says, pulling to a stop in front of the windows, releasing my hand for what feels like the first time in hours.

I wish I could say the break in contact brings me relief, a moment to collect my thoughts, but really, all it does is make me miss the feel of his fingers tangled with mine.

Taking a deep breath, I blow it out slowly as I let my eyes take it all in.

The lights. The buildings. The monuments. You can see it all from up here.

“This is incredible,” I hear myself say, flattening my palms to the glass.

“You told me to surprise you.”

I turn my head to find him watching me, his smile by far trumping any other view in the world.

“Did I do good?”

“You did really good,” I tell him, turning back to the expanse of the city below. “I could have done without the dark, scary hallway,” I add with a smile.

“I don’t know. I kinda thought it added to the mystery.” He chuckles.

“You said this is one of your brother’s projects?”

“He’s a structural engineer.”

“I didn’t know that,” I admit, not that it should be a big surprise. I know very little about any of them. “What exactly does a structural engineer do?”

“Beats me.” He snorts out a laugh. “Makes sure the structure doesn’t collapse, I would assume.”

“You don’t know what your brother’s job actually is?” I drop my hands, turning to face him.

“Can’t say I ever asked for a detailed account.”

“Men.” I roll my eyes. “All the same,” I tease. “Well, you went through all the trouble of bringing me here. Should we maybe do a little exploring?”

“I think Hank might have my balls if he catches us anywhere but here.”

“Well, I guess we wouldn’t want that, now, would we?”

“We most definitely would not.” When he gets closer to me, it takes everything I have not to step back, a nervous pit opening in my stomach.

But nervous isn’t the only thing I feel...

“Besides, every floor looks exactly the same right now. I could bring you back once it’s finished if you’re interested to see how it turns out,” he offers, closing off the last remaining space between us.