“Where are we?” I followRemi through a dark makeshift hallway, barely able to see six inches in front of my face. If not for Remi’s hand wrapped tightly around mine, I’d likely have gotten turned around and walked directly into a wall at this point.

“You’ll see.” He all but purrs.

If I thought I knew what I was getting myself into by agreeing to go out with him tonight, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I mean, sure, he’s cocky and self-assured, but he’s also surprisingly sweet and kind and so attentive that sometimes I feel almost overwhelmed by the attention.

It’s like he wants to know every single thing about me and finds even the most mundane things interesting. And when he smiles at me... I can’t even begin to break down all the ways that makes me feel.

“Is it the part of the date where you murder me in an abandoned building and leave me here so that it’s months before someone finds my decomposed body?”

“Jesus, Kaia.” I can see just enough to distinguish his head falling back as laughter vibrates through him. “You really need to stop watching true crime shows.”

“Then how will I be able to plot all my ways of escape? I have to know how a killer thinks in order to outsmart him.”

“And you think you’re going to learn that from a TV show?” Humor laces his words.

“Maybe.” I huff.

“Well, rest assured, I have no intention of killing you, but if I did, I’d cut you up into little pieces and spread your body all over the state so that no one would ever find you. Movies will teach you something true crime shows never could.”

“Noted. Now at least I know what’s going to happen to my body after I die.”

“If you think I would touch a hair on that pretty little head of yours, then you clearly haven’t been paying attention. Actually, that’s not entirely true. Iwouldmost definitely touch it. Pull it. Use it as handlebars. You know, whatever you prefer.”

For this, I have no words.

It’s not the first comment he’s made like this either.

When we were eating dinner, the first bite I took of my ravioli, I let out a little moan of appreciation and the way he looked at me... I swear I still feel the sear on my skin from his gaze. Then he said something along the lines of“If you make another noise like that, I can’t be held accountable for what happens next.”

I almost wanted to do it again just to see what he’d do, but obviously didn’t.

“Okay, we’re here.”

We pull to a stop when the hallway dead-ends into a door. Lifting his hand, he raps his knuckles against the steel, which swings open after a few long seconds, revealing a middle-aged bald man in a security uniform on the other side.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Hank.”

“Thank your brother,” he grumbles. “You have thirty minutes. I mean it, Rem. Thirty minutes.”

“Thirty minutes, heard.” Remi smiles at me like a kid on Christmas morning. “You ready?”

“I don’t know, am I?” I murmur as Remi leads me through the door, past Hank into an open room with ceilings so high it would take a fire truck to reach them. “What is this place?” I look around at the walls made up almost entirely of glass, construction tarp and equipment strewn across the massive room.

“It’s a project my brother is working on.”

“Why are we here?”

“You’ll see. Come on.” Not once releasing my hand, he guides me farther into the room to a set of elevators that sit along the far side wall.

The doors slide open the instant he presses the button.

“Um, should we be here?” I gesture toward the construction debris before following him inside.

“The building is done. They’re just designing now. It’s perfectly safe. I promise.”

“Then why did we have to walk through a dark tunnel to get here and not through the front door?”

“We had to come through the construction hallway because the front entrance isn’t accessible yet. Sorry for the dramatics, but I think it’ll be worth it once you see.”