No.I wouldn’t go there. This wasn’t the Facility. And these weren’t those shackles.
I was also a different person, and stronger than ever before. I just needed to stay calm and think.
If they used some magic drug on me and it was a student, then it couldn’t be something that strong. It had to be temporary. Or if it was a drug from humans, it would also wear off after a while. How long had I even been unconscious?
By the feel of it, whatever they gave me was already trickling out of my system as the haze in my head was slightly receding, and the drowsiness fading.
I release the breath I didn’t even know I was holding.
In the meantime, I couldn’t just wait for someone to save me.
I wasn’t that weak, young girl anymore and even without my strength or speed right now, I could still dosomething.
My racing heart calms down as I think things through, the panic slowly subsiding as I pull at the rope again. Over and over I tug and pull at them, until I feel something give. I keep at it until my wrists feel sore and my skin feels raw, but still continue.I wouldn’t give up until I was free.
After a few more painful tugs I finally feel the rope give way and loosen so I can free my hands. I reach toward my legs and fumble, trying to untie them as quickly as I can, still slightly dizzy from whatever spell or drug they gave me.
I finally free my feet and stand up, stumbling slightly as a wave of dizziness hits me again.
Shakily moving forward, I feel around in the dark, trying to find my way around.
Was it night or still day? And how long had I been out; minutes, hours…days?
A bitter laugh leaves my lips. It's not like anyone would come looking for me or even notice I was gone anyway…so what did it matter?
Annex, Ezra, Mallyn and Creed hadn’t appeared in school all week, not since the little call they got in the Cafeteria. And even Mr. Valor had been busy after school with other work, so we hadn’t been able to train together the past few days. He was also my last class and since I had attended, he wouldn’t even know I was missing.
I freeze. Why did I think ofthem?
Had I become too used to their company?
Did I think they’d actuallynoticeif I wasn’t there?
They would probably be happy I was gone, especially Creed. He might even besmilingright now.
But Annex…wouldhenotice?
Or maybe Ezra?
I give myself a slight shake, the room spinning again when I do.
Why would they care about me anyway? We hadn’t even known each other that long. And faith and trust in another person wasn’t something I could give so easily anymore. I could only depend on myself. Letting my guard down just a little already put me in this predicament as it was.
My hand catches on what I assume is the wall. It's cold and makes a slight ‘clanging’ noise when I hit it.Metal.
Metal was strange for a wall in the academy, especially since they were mostly made of brick, stone or wood. It didn’t fit in with the old aesthetic vibe they usually go for there.
But where was I if not inside the academy? Where else was there?
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. And then it hits me.
The smell.
A smell so foul, I question how I didn’t notice it before.
The stench seeps into my lungs, turning my stomach and making me want to wretch. What was it? And where the hell was I?
I begin moving as quickly as my body will allow, a new panic setting in with the foul scent flooding my lungs. Something dark and familiar about the smell sets alarm bells ringing in my head and has my instincts telling me to run, to get as far away from it as I can.