“Don’t miss me too much, Red. I’ve gotta go play for a bit, but I’ll be back soon.”
“Play?” I ask.
“Nothing too fun, just business stuff.” He pulls himself from his seat, rolling his eyes before he soon freezes. A dark twinkle growing in them with whatever crazy idea probably formed in his head.“Maybe, one day soon you can come and give me a hand.” A wicked grin spreads on his lips as his eyes become a little dazed, lost in his own thoughts. “You would look so beautiful wielding a blade and covered in blood…” His voice lowers to a throaty hum as he bites his bottom lip, his gaze returning to me. “And then afterwards, you and me can have someproperplaytime.” He gives me a devilish grin, one full of sinful dreams and dark promises before turning and following the others out.
A familiar heat creeps into my cheeks and up my neck with his words.
Crazy bastard.Who wanted to ‘play’with him? His idea of fun probably ended with multiple corpses and a few hefty wanted posters.
But he did get one thing right…Idolook pretty cool with a blade in my hand.
How the hell did I let this happen? How did they even manage to get the better of me?
I should have known it was too quiet. And that one of those dickheads would do something.
It's my own fault.
I had become too complacent, too comfortable with the guys around and being in their company, that for a brief moment I forgot this was never a place to relax in. There was no such thing as ‘safe’ here for me.
I try to shake off whatever they had drugged me with, the drowsiness still pulling at my eyes as I try to make out my surroundings. But even with being dizzy and my vision blurred, I could tell that everything was pitch black around me.
I try to stand, a tremor running down my body with the slight movement, and then I quickly realise my hands and legs are restricted.I’ve been tied up.
This was not what I was expecting when I woke up this morning and headed to class.
Whatever bastard did this even waited untilafterI had attended all my classes before they drugged me.They could have at least spared me from the day's lessons.
I guess at least one thing was to my benefit…they had underestimated me.
I feel the restraints wrapped around my wrists and legs. Thankfully they weren’t metal cuffs or chains, but rope. I give them a tug and wait. No backlash from a spell or tightened restriction either.
For once, the rumours circulating about me had actually helped. My kidnappers had thought I was still completely useless with no power or strength, so why should they waste magic on me?
I shake my head again, the room or wherever I was, slightly spinning with the sudden movement.
I try to pull myself up, sitting straight as I try to work on the restraints around my wrists. But the darkness around me has an eerie feeling sliding up my back as I move.
I pull at them once, then twice, my brows furrowing at the weak feeling running through me and the lack of movement from the rope. Something like this should have fallen off with one pull.
What had they given me? And how did they even manage to drug me? I had been so careful around everyone else.
The last thing I remember is making my way out of the Cafeteria after eating…the server, she looked kind of new and seemed a little…off.
Fuck, they drugged my food. It's the one thing I don’t hesitate to touch and the only time I feel a little less guarded.
What had they even given me? A spelled potion or some drugged concoction?
I gaze around the dark space, a slight panic beginning to unfurl in me.
What if I was powerless again? What if I was trapped here like I was in the Facility?
I keep trying to look around, my heart racing as my eyes try to search the dark for something,anything.
What if I was locked away alone again? And where no-one can find me?
What if I couldn’t get out, if I died–