Laurel shook her head. “I have something better in mind.”

“Like what?” Joe demanded.

“I’m going to open my own agency. I can do anything the Antwan Art Agency can do for my clients.” She smiled at Brandon.

Joe looked between them. “I doubt that. Neither of you will change your minds?”

She and Brandon shook their heads while looking at each other, having already turned their backs on Joe. He stomped off in a huff.

“That was very satisfying.” Her chest hurt her heart was so full.

“Glad to hear it. I’d never do business with a man who couldn’t see how special you are. His loss is my gain.” He took her hand. “Come on, I have something I want to show you.” Brandon led her to a small stage where something sat on a pedestal with a piece of material covering it.

Laurel had been so engrossed in seeing Brandon, she hadn’t noticed it. “What’s this all about?”

“I have a new piece I wish to unveil.”

“Okay, but why I’m I up here?” She gave the gathering crowd a nervous look.

He whispered in her ear. “Because it’s dedicated to you.” His voice rose. “Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention.” Brandon waited as people joined them. “I would like to introduce you to the woman who changed my life both personally and professionally, Laurel Marsh. It’s because of her that this show is being held. I have one special piece I’d like to unveil. Unfortunately, this particular piece isn’t for sale but I’ll be doing many others in the future that will be available. All my pieces here but this one is for sale to support this excellent cause. Thank you for coming today.” Brandon whisked the material away with a flutter.

Laurel’s gasp of surprise had everyone watching her. The work consisted of a piece of curved wood polished to the upmost sheen laying horizontal. Touching the highest curve was a thumb and forefinger. The placard beneath the piece read: Love.

Her chest tightened. It was Brandon making love to her. The emotion in the piece almost took her to her knees. Oh, how she loved the man. He had to have done this work after he’d left her on the street. Her eyes filled with moisture.

He moved to stand next to her.

“It’s us,” she whispered.

Brandon nodded, his gaze intent on her.

“It’s amazing. The most beautiful piece I have ever seen.”

“You mean it?” His eyes still held a speck of uncertainty.

“I’d never lie about that. I certainly don’t lie about good art. Your talent is still showing through. There’s a little more genius to it. Something about it I like even better.”

“It’s how I feel about you.” His thumb and finger brushed her hair back at her temple. “Please forgive me. I said things I shouldn’t have ever thought.”

Brandon’s injured hand cupped her face. He wasn’t hiding it, hadn’t the entire time. Pride welled in her. The man was so strong.

“It’s yours.”

“Mine?” She searched his face.

“I want you to have it. So that every time you look at it, you’ll know how I feel about you.” Brandon directed her away from the crowd and toward a door. “Let’s find some privacy. Is the cabin okay?”

“I didn’t bring clothes or shoes to tromp through the snow.”

He smiled, one that reached his eyes. “That’s never stopped you before. Don’t worry, I’ve got that handled.”

A few minutes later, he’d seen her to a four-wheel drive truck and lifted her into the cab. He drove out of town to a single parking spot on the side of the road. There he changed into his boots. He came around the truck and lifted her out, carrying her to a waiting sled.

Laurel couldn’t help but be impressed, and a little overwhelmed.

Brandon tucked a heavy cover over her then picked up the rope on the front of the sled and pulled. It started to snow as they made their way to the cabin. He carried her inside. Setting her on her feet, he looked at her for a long time, as if memorizing her features.

“I missed you so much. I’m so sorry for what I said. Please forgive me. I love you.”