The next weekend she drove into Cherry Creek, taking care not to run over anyone on her way through town. A warmth filled her. Returning to Cherry Creek felt like coming home. Still questions plagued her. Would Brandon listen to her? Let her say what she came to say? She pulled into the parking lot of the Academy. The lot was completely filled. Laurel wasn’t surprised at the attendance. Others like her would be excited to see that Brandon had returned to work. She finally found a parking space.

Laurel took a moment to adjust her sweater dress. Her hand trembled as she applied lipstick. This was one time she needed to look her best. To rally as much confidence as possible.

People mingled around the library looking at the art. Laurel searched the room for Brandon. Her nerves were strung taut with anticipation. Everything in her ached to see him. She had missed him desperately. Unable to locate him, she strolled around the room enjoying Brandon’s and Biggs’ work.

She recognized Brandon’s unfinished pieces that were now beautiful, completed pieces of art. He had a few new sculptures. One in particular drew her close. It was a woman standing in front of a fire much as she had stood the morning after they had made love. He must have been working day and night since she had left. Each piece exuded beauty and inspiration. Biggs’ work was amazing, but it was Brandon’s that kept her enthralled.

“I was worried you wouldn’t come.” Brandon’s much-loved voice reached her ear from close behind her.

Her heart did a tap dance. “I wouldn’t miss an art event like this.”

“I was counting on that.”

She turned. He looked wonderful with his close-cut beard and sports jacket. A nice mixture of suave and mountain man. “You planned this?”

Brandon nodded. “Yeah. I had the inn email you. I was afraid you might not come if I invited you after the way I treated you.”

“I’m the one who gave you the idea that I’d do anything to get you as a client. But the more I got to know you, the more I realized how special you are, as an artist, but more importantly, as a person. I didn’t go to bed with you to get a piece of artwork out of you or to make you feel obligated to be my client. I should’ve told you how I felt about you Christmas Eve. That it didn’t matter to me if you worked again or not. You are really what matters to me.”

“That’s nice to hear.”

She put a hand up. “But I wasn’t the only one who messed up. You broke your promise to put me in touch with Ross Biggs.”

“I did—”

Laurel’s eyes widened. Before he could say anything further, a man she recognized as Ross Biggs walked up. “You must be Laurel.” He offered his hand. “I owe you an apology. I was supposed to call you a week and a half ago about representing me, but I was under the gun to get some pieces finished for this show. I didn’t want to let Brandon down. By the way, you come highly recommended as an agent.” He grinned at Brandon. “Here is my private number.” Ross handed her a card. “Call it on Monday and we’ll make plans to meet.”

Laurel’s heart jumped. Brandon had kept his promise after all. “I’ll do that.” Ross was called away and she turned to Brandon with a smile on her face. “You kept your promise.”

“I told you I always do.”

Laurel was so engrossed in Brandon, she didn’t see another man approaching.


She whirled around coming face to face with Joe. Of course, he was here. He would have seen the media around the show and not miss the chance to snag Brandon or Biggs for himself.

Joe looked beyond her to Brandon. “I’m Joe Willis. I’m with the Antwan Art Agency. I’m so excited to see your work again. It has been too long.”

Brandon ignored Joe’s hand and stepped beside her, his hand coming to rest around her waist offering her moral support. “Thank you. I was inspired or I might never have worked again.”

Laurel couldn’t help but be satisfied at the look of trepidation on Joe’s face.

He cleared his throat and addressed Brandon. “I was wondering if we might talk about the agency representing you sometime.”

“I already have representation.” He looked at her and smiled.

She leaned into Brandon’s side. Her gaze met his. “Thank you.”

Brandon’s focus returned to Joe. “Don’t bother with asking Biggs either. We’re both going with Laurel.”

Joe’s face darkened. “Then Laurel, I’d like to offer you your job back. I’m sure Mr. Antwan would agree.”

“No thank you.” Her voice rang out clear and confident.

Brandon squeezed her waist in solidarity.

Joe shifted his weight, acting unsure. “Uh, I could see you get that promotion.”