“Shut up, assholes,” I yell, not removing my eyes from Rebecca, which only makes them laugh harder.

Those gorgeous hazel eyes flutter open, an almost dazed look on her face as she watches me.

I slide my thumb over her puffy lower lip, wishing we were alone so I could devour her body entirely and remind her of how good we’re together.

“You saved me the trip because I was on my way to get you.”

“You…” Her brows pull together. “What?”

“Exactly what I said, Red. I just made a plan to win this stupid game so I could sit in the car, get to you and force you to listen to me by whichever means necessary.”

Her brows shoot up, that snarky side of hers coming out in full force. “Force me by whichever means necessary?”

“We both know how stubborn you can be. You can’t deny it.”

She looks away, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

My fingers slide to her jaw, turning her toward me. “Your stubbornness is one of the things I love the most about you, no matter how crazy it sometimes makes me.”

“You were really planning to come?”

“Yes. I don’t want to have any regrets, Rebecca. I don’t want to wake up another day and think about might-have-beens and should-have-beens. I want you. Iloveyou. I loved you when we were sixteen-year-old teenagers. I loved you when we broke up at nineteen, and I still love you to this day. I will always love you. I told you at our friend’s wedding that it should have been us, but the truth is, it can still be us. We can still get our happily ever after. It won’t be easy, but I know that we can make it work. Iwantto make this work because I don’t think I can live in a world in which you’re not by my side. If that means making sacrifices, so be it. I was never afraid of hard work, and I’m not going to start to be afraid now. You’re worth it.We’re worth it.”

“We’re worth it,” she echoes. “I’m sorry it took me so long to admit that.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’d wait forever if that’s what it took. That’s how much I love you, Rebecca.”

“I love you too.” Her fingers tighten in my hair, eyes dropping to my mouth.

Screw everybody.

I lean down, ready to kiss her again.

“See? I told you they made up.” I look up at the sound of Dad’s voice to see him walking hand in hand with Mom, Emmett a few steps behind. “It was about damn time they did, too.”

“Fuck,” I press my forehead against hers. “So much for that.”

Rebecca chuckles softly. “It’s fine, later.”

“We getting out of here?” Emmett smirks. “I think you owe us a dinner to celebrate your double win, Fernandez.”

I kiss the top of her head. “I’ll hold you to that, Red. Now, let’s go celebrate.”




“And that’s a wrap! Lonestars have won against the Patriots 28 to 14, continuing their winning streak.”

Slapping my teammates on the back, I walk around the field until I spot the person I’ve been looking for.

“Good game, Watson.”

Hayden looks up, taking the hand I offered him and pulling him to his feet. “It was a good game, Fernandez. Congrats.”

Somebody calls his name, so he looks over his shoulder. “I’ll catch you later?”